Which of the following was a major cause of the historical process depicted on the map above?

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Terms in this set (37)

The following question refers to the following map, "Expansion of the Railroad System, 1870-1890". The map above best serves as evidence of:

a. the extension of public control over natural resources, including land and water.
b. the federal government's violation of treaties between the United States and American Indian nations.
c. questions about the status and legal rights of Hispanics and American Indians.
d. the emergence of an industrial culture in the United States.

d. the emergence of an industrial culture in the United States.

Which of the following developments made open ranching feasible on the Great Plains between the 1860s and the 1880s?

a. The availability of free land
b. The introduction of barbed-wire fencing
c. The Homestead Act of 1862
d. The cultivation of new feed crops

a. The availability of free land

The following question refers to the following map, "Expansion of the Railroad System, 1870-1890". Which of the following was a major cause of the historical process depicted on the map above?

a. An increase in international and internal migration.
b. White peoples seeking religious refuge in the West.
c. Corruption in government, especially as it related to business.
d. Government policies promoting economic development.

d. Government policies promoting economic development.

As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act, Indian tribes:

a. remained united against the federal government.
b. lost almost two-thirds of their land.
c. adjusted to an agricultural lifestyle.
d. migrated farther west.

b. lost almost two-thirds of their land.

Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of the Battle of Wounded Knee?

a. The Plains Indians continued a grim guerrilla struggle against white domination, mounting many small attacks.
b. It illustrated the U.S. government's faulty approach to Native Americans and led it to abandon the Dawes Plan immediately.
c. Indians remained a large minority in South Dakota and Oklahoma, averaging 25 percent of the population.
d. The massacre of the Lakotas there stands as an indictment of U.S. Indian policy and western expansionism.

d. The massacre of the Lakotas there stands as an indictment of U.S. Indian policy and western expansionism.

Why was clerical and office work appealing to white working-class women in the late nineteenth century?

a. Women were often promoted to better-paying positions in the company.
b. There was a decrease in demand for domestic servants.
c. Office work was cleaner and better paid than domestic service or factory work.
d. Factory work was too difficult to obtain because it paid higher wages.

c. Office work was cleaner and better paid than domestic service or factory work.

A workplace in which a job seeker had to be a union member to gain employment.

Closed Shop

Founded in 1867, the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry:

a. worked with state and national banks to reduce inflation.
b. built railroad networks to lower farmers' transportation costs.
c. sponsored events to improve the social life of farm families.
d. agitated for laws to exclude immigrants from the Homestead Act.

c. sponsored events to improve the social life of farm families.

The outcome of the implementation of scientific management was:

a. resistance from workers.
b. that workers found unions less appealing.
c. decreasing production efficiency.
d. resistance from managers.

a. resistance from workers.

Which of the following was a nineteenth-century example of a trade union?

a. The Greenback-Labor Party
b. The Grange
c. The American Federation of Labor
d. The Farmer's Alliance

c. The American Federation of Labor

Which of the following events demonstrated the newfound international power of the United States in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War?

a. Annexation of Panama and the Philippines
b. Monroe Doctrine
c. Annexation of Hawaii
d. Britain's damage payments to the United States

d. Britain's damage payments to the United States

The federal government's Civil War debt was paid off primarily through:

a. income taxes.
b. corporate taxes.
c. tariff revenues.
d. inflation.

c. tariff revenues.

Which business strategy did John D. Rockefeller pioneer in the late nineteenth century?

a. The corporation
b. Middle management
c. Vertical integration
d. Horizontal integration

d. Horizontal integration

Reformers believed that the best way to save the Indians was through

a. education.
b. colonization.
c. accommodation.
d. reservations.

a. education.

Which of the following technological advances played an important role in opening up the Great Plains to farming?

a. Corporate development of drought-resistant grains
b. Advanced irrigation techniques
c. Steel plows and other farm machinery
d. Scientific development of synthetic pesticides

c. Steel plows and other farm machinery

In terms of membership, the Knights of Labor discriminated:

a. by ethnicity.
b. against unskilled laborers.
c. by excluding the Chinese.
d. against women.

c. by excluding the Chinese.

Which of the following statements describes the Chinese immigrants to the United States in the nineteenth century?

a. They faced more severe discrimination than European immigrants.
b. Most were unemployed and depended on government assistance to survive.
c. They came in greatest numbers prior to 1850.
d. Chinese immigrants were mostly women escaping sexual slavery.

a. They faced more severe discrimination than European immigrants.

Which constitutional amendment did the Supreme Court use in the 1870s to the 1890s to protect the rights of corporations-even though it had been written to protect individual rights?

a. First
b. Fourteenth
c. Thirteenth
d. Tenth

b. Fourteenth

Following the Sioux victory at Little Big Horn, the U.S. government

a. demonstrated a new respect for the Sioux and other tribes.
b. negotiated a treaty in which it made concessions to the Sioux.
c. withdrew from the area and left the Sioux alone.
d. pursued the various bands of Sioux until they surrendered.

d. pursued the various bands of Sioux until they surrendered.

Which of the following phenomena led the U.S. government to dismantle the Indian reservation system it had previously established?

a. Indian schools
b. The Office of Indian Affairs
c. Indian resistance
d. White land hunger

d. White Land Hunger

Which of the following groups called themselves the Exodusters in 1879?

a. Scandinavian settlers in Minnesota
b. Blacks who migrated to Kansas
c. Mexicans who immigrated to the United States
d. Chinese who were forced to leave California

b. Blacks who migrated to Kansas

Which of the following describes the Homestead Act of 1862?

a. It provided 160 acres of free land to qualifying white men.
b. Land speculators accumulated most of the available homesteads.
c. Homesteaders were required to occupy and improve the land.
d. Republican leaders hoped it would bring white settlers to the Pacific coastal regions.

c. Homesteaders were required to occupy and improve the land.

The following question refers to the following photograph by Lewis Hine. The photograph above is best understood in the context of

a. the consolidation of large corporations in the United States.
b. industrialization of the nation leading to an expanded industrial workforce.
c. the theory of Social Darwinism
d. organized workers confronting corporate power directly.

b. industrialization of the nation leading to an expanded industrial workforce.

Gustavus Swift boosted productivity in his Chicago slaughterhouses in the 1860s by using:

a. horizontal integration.
b. vertical integration.
c. the closed shop.
d. the foreman system.

b. vertical integration.

How did John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Corporation come to control 95 percent of the nation's oil refining capacity by the 1880s?

a. By implementing the process of vertical integration
b. Through expanded sales and production overseas
c. By inventing the process that extracted kerosene from crude oil
d. Through predatory pricing and the creation of the trust

d. Through predatory pricing and the creation of the trust

New immigration patterns in the early twentieth century reflected growing emigration from

a. southern and Eastern Europe.
b. north and central Europe.
c. the British Isles.
d. eastern Africa.

a. southern and Eastern Europe.

Which president refashioned U.S. Indian policy in the latter half of the nineteenth century?

a. Johnson
b. Grant
c. Buchanan
d. Lincoln

b. Grant

Why was it necessary for railroads and land speculators to promote settlement of the Great Plains in the late nineteenth century?

a. The region was heavily forested and hard to cultivate
b. The U.S. government had not publicized the Homestead Act.
c. Americans thought of the area as the Great American Desert.
d. Without economic incentives, few people could afford homesteads.

c. Americans thought of the area as the Great American Desert.

A small group of associates that hold stock from a group of combined firms, managing them as a single entity.


Economic regulations passed in some midwestern states in the late 1870s, triggered by pressure from farmers and the Greenback-Labor Party.

Granger Laws

The following question refers to the following photograph by Lewis Hine. Which of the following was the most likely intended audience for the photograph above?

a. Critics of the corporate ethic and existing social order.
b. Segments of society that lived in relative poverty.
c. Local and national labor unions.
d. Settlement houses and self-help groups.

a. Critics of the corporate ethic and existing social order.

Which of the following describes vertically integrated corporations?

a. These corporations concentrated on one function in the production process.
b. These corporations operated using predatory pricing.
c. Such corporations controlled all aspects of their operations' businesses.
d. They made it difficult for a few corporations to monopolize an industry.

c. Such corporations controlled all aspects of their operations' businesses.

Which of the following pairs is properly matched?

a. Yellow-dog contract-workers in one industry organized into a single organization, regardless of skill
b. Trade union-all jobs reserved for union members
c. Collective bargaining-union negotiates with the employer for all the employees
d. Closed shop-force applied on a comparable industry to bring pressure on the primary target

c. Collective bargaining-union negotiates with the employer for all the employees

The 1868 Burlingame Treaty achieved the American goal of:

a. reopening international access to Japanese ports.
b. setting the terms of emigration for Chinese laborers.
c. annexing Hawaii.
d. purchasing Alaska.

b. setting the terms of emigration for Chinese laborers.

Why did Chinese immigrants come to the United States in the nineteenth century?

a. The burgeoning population of China created widespread famine and shortages.
b. Chinese immigrants came to open laundry businesses in American cities.
c. They were motivated by poverty and upheaval in southern China.
d. Chinese men sought jobs as indentured servants in the houses of rich Californians.

c. They were motivated by poverty and upheaval in southern China.

What was the purpose of the Hatch Act, passed by Congress and President Grover Cleveland in 1887?

a. To fund large corporate farms, encouraging the growth of the farming industry
b. To provide funds to farmers struggling to pay debts
c. To establish state-regulated farms to sell produce at a cheaper rate
d. To provide federal funding for agricultural research and education

d. To provide federal funding for agricultural research and education

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes those immigrants who came into the country during and after the 1880s?

a. They were mostly English speaking, tended to cluster together and practiced Protestant Christianity.
b. They spoke languages other than English, they practiced religions other than Protestant Christianity and many came from Southern & Eastern Europe.
c. They were known as old immigrants and became the backbone of the American economy.
d. They blended easily, spoke languages other than English and they practiced religions other than Protestant Christianity

b. They spoke languages other than English, they practiced religions other than Protestant Christianity and many came from Southern & Eastern Europe.

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