Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes consumer spending during the 1920s?

World War I was called the Great War, the war to end all wars. It started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria-Hungary). There were many entangling alliances, the Allies and the Central Powers. It was a modern war that included trench warfare, chemical warfare, machine guns, and tanks. The US did not enter the war right away. WWI was a total war. The factories shifted to create war goods, people rationed food, and liberty bonds were popular.

Wilson was reelected on an anti-war platform, the saying "He kept us out of war". Wilson had a policy of moral diplomacy, to arbitrate conflict. Wilson's Declaration of War on April 2, 1917: The vision of a "liberal democratic world order" to make the world safe for democracy.

A telegram from Germany to Mexico. Germany planned on unrestricted submarine warfare and to keep the US neutral, and if it didn’t work out Mexico and Germany could align. Their plan was to have Mexico invade the US to distract them (but it never happened). The telegram was intercepted by the British, who told the US.

The instituted draft. There were about 4 million men in uniform by the end of the war.

He opposed accepting the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I and that was linked to the US entry into the League of Nations.

Soldiers hid in defensive trenches. There were huge casualties (40 million), many which were caused by sickness and disease such as trenchfoot. Trench warfare caused stalemates.

League of Nations and 14 Points

The League of Nations was created to prevent war and solve problems through negotiation rather than violence. The US didn’t join. Woodrow Wilson's 14 points was a plan for world peace that included self determination and the League of Nations.

Committee of Public Information

The committee was made to educate citizens about democracy, promote national unity, and assimilate immigrants and win their loyalty.

People were afraid of communists. Started with people mailing bombs to prominent Americans and caused fear and hysteria. They rounded up communists and deported some. People were afraid of foreign ideas ruining America.

Ku Klux Klan (1920s reorganization)

The Ku Klux Klan rebounded after Birth of a Nation, which portrayed the Klan as heroes and blacks as evil. The New Klan targeted blacks, Catholics, and Jews. They did not like immigration and wanted the country 100% American. They lynched people they targeted, but the NAACP failed to pass a law against lynching. The Klan was very popular even in the North. 40,000 marched on DC and they championed "native, white, Protestant supremacy". The Klan fell apart again after 1925.

A decade of change and turmoil. President Harding called for "a return to normalcy" in the 1920s after WWI. The economy shifted back to producing consumer goods, especially cars, and celebrity endorsements. Prohibition was passed, but bootleggers still made alcohol available. Many women were flappers and had new values.

The New Woman. Seen as the norm for women in the 1920s. They dressed with more skin showing, shorter hair (bob), drove cars, smoke and drank in public, were more aggressive in finding husbands, and had different sexual values. They had a new sense of freedom. Clara Bow was an actress and well-known Hollywood flapper.

Alice Paul and the 19th Amendment

Alice Paul was very concerned with suffrage. Women obtained suffrage with the 19th Amendment. However, the Equal Rights Amendment failed to pass.

Sacco and Vanzetti (executed anarchists)

They were Italian immigrants and anarchists who were accused of robbery and murder. There was very little evidence and they were both convicted and executed.

Margaret Sanger and birth control

Part of the New Woman Era and changing sexual values. Her mother was pregnant 18 times and didn't want women to have to go through that so she supported birth control.

A biology teacher taught evolution and caused a huge debate in Dayton, TN. William Jennings Bryan stood up for the Bible. Scopes was found guilty, but it was later overturned. As a results Scopes moved to Venezuela and it became illegal to teach evolution in TN until the 1960s.

In the 20s cars became a huge part of consumer culture. The Ford Model T was mass produced, which made it cheaper. Gas stations started to emerge too.

Prohibition and 18th Amendment

The 18th Amendment passed prohibition, which banned the making, selling, and consumption of alcohol. Part of the reason to ban alcohol was to defeat German beer companies. Returning veterans opposed this. Speakeasies, illegal bars, arose, and bootleggers supplied illegal alcohol from Canada. Prohibition was later repealed on 12/05/1933, during the depression to stimulate the economy.

He was a famous bootlegger who controlled organized crime in Chicago including alcohol, prostitution, and gambling. He went to jail, but not for these crimes, rather for tax evasion.

He advocated separatism after racial violence of 1910. He founded the United Negro Improvement Association and supported the "Back to Africa" movement, which died after he was convicted of mail fraud.

In the 20s Americans were afraid of foreign ideas ruining America, like communism. There was restrictive immigration with national quotas set on how many immigrants can be accepted from southern and eastern Europe. Immigration was banned from Japan.

During the Depression while Hoover was president, people lived in these homeless camps and showed their hatred for Hoover. They also had Hoover flags (pockets turned inside out) and Hoover blankets (newspapers).

20,000 WWI veterans marched on DC and demanded their bonuses. They set up Bonus Army Camps, Hoovertowns in Washington DC. Federal troops were ordered to clear them out and ruled that they do not get their bonus. This killed Hoover's presidency.

Radio became very popular in the 1920s. It was a source of news and entertainment.

Buying stocks became very popular. Many people buying stocks artificially inflated the prices. When people realized that stocks weren't as good as they sounded, they started to sell them, causing a stock market crash.

The Great Depression was caused by many things. The installment plans of the 20s led many people into debt. The farming, textile, mining, and lumber industries suffered. Some products were less in demand because of the war being over, textiles were less in demand because of the shorter skirts, and crops became cheaper because mechanized farming increased supply. There was also an unequal distribution of wealth. The stock market crash.

He became president after Hoover. He suffered from Polio and couldn't use his legs, and tried to hide it from the average Americans. He won the election with a landlside because of Hoover's unpopularity and pursued a middle of the road approach to ending the depression. His New Deal programs of the 1930s helped to lift the US out of the Great Depression, and he played an important part in Allied policy during World War II.

One of a series of radio broadcasts made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the nation, beginning in 1933.

The economic measures introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 to counteract the effects of the Great Depression. It involved a massive public works program, complemented by the large-scale granting of loans, and succeeded in reducing unemployment by between 7 and 10 million.

Closing the banks for a short period of time in order to stabilize the banking system during the Great Depression. The FDIC was later formed to ensure that money customers put in the bank is safe.

Tennessee Valley Authority

an independent federal government agency in the US, created in 1933 as part of the New Deal proposals. Responsible for the development of the whole Tennessee river basin, it provides one of the world's greatest irrigation and hydroelectric power systems.

A giant dust storm killed people and cattle. People fled from Oklahoma and moved to California. They were not well accepted and became migrant workers, going from place to place picking fruit.

A vocal supporter of isolationism, to avoid the US getting involved in another war.

A Democrat, he was an outspoken populist who denounced the rich and the banks and called for "Share the Wealth." As the political boss of the state he commanded wide networks of supporters and was willing to take forceful action.

An act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to establish a Social Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes.

Roosevelt tried to pack the supreme court with judges who would support his legislation.

Agricultural Adjustment Act

New Deal legislation passed in May 1933 that aimed at cutting agricultural production to raise crop prices and thus farmers income.

Civilian Conservation Corps

Federal relief program that provided jobs to millions of unemployed young men who built thousands of bridges, roads, trails, and other structures in the state and national parks, bolstering the national infastructure.

The desire to avoid a second world war. The NYE Committee credited war to munitions makers. The legislation tried to make sure that US didn't get involved in foreign wars. The US became unwilling to allow more immigrants, including Jewish refugees. They also were unwilling to attack Japan after they sunk an American gunship in 1937.

Countries agrees not to use war to solve problems. However this did not work and the countries kept their armies.

The Axis powers consisted of Germany, Italy, Japan, and Bulgaria. The Allies consisted of Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, and the US (in 1941).

Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany

Hitler became the chancellor of Germany in 1933 and wanted to expand the German territory and economy, which made him popular. He was an Austrian born leader of the national socialists (Nazi). He wanted to remove "undesirables", especially Jews.

US sends supplies to Great Britain, they can pay back with goods, services, or cash later. An arrangement made in 1941 whereby the US supplied military equipment and armaments to the UK and its allies, originally as a loan in return for the use of British-owned military bases.

Meeting between FDR and Churchill where they discussed their shared goals. A declaration of eight common principles in international relations drawn up by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt in August 1941, which provided the ideological basis for the United Nations organization.

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, a military base in Hawaii, leading the US to get involved in WWII. The attack was caused by sanctions on Japan quarantine. 2400 Americans were killed

Japanese Internment Camps

Japanese Americans were resented because of the attack on Pearl Harbor and how badly they treated American prisoners of war. Americans were afraid of the Japanese Americans working with the Japanese to attack America. 112,000 were relocated to different parts of the country. The Supreme Court ruled internment camps as constitutional because it was linked to national security.

Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss)

Dr. Seuss created Pro-Allied cartoons.

The Battle of Stalingrad was the big turning point in the war. Germany was crippled. A long and bitterly fought battle of the Second World War, in which the German advance into the Soviet Union was turned back at Stalingrad in 1942–3. The Germans surrendered after suffering more than 300,000 casualties.

Poster in the WWII era telling women "we can do it".

African American who founded the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters. Threatened a march on Washington DC unless the president bans discrimination in war industries. FDR then banned discrimination in war industries to keep support for war.

Winston Churchill (England)

Prime minister of England during WWII. He was part of the big 3, along with FDR and Stalin.

WWII ended the great depression and unemployment was virtually gone. WWII started in 1939, but the US didn’t get involved until 1941, after Pearl Harbor was attacked.

June 6, 1944 when the US landed in Normandy.

Famous meeting, the last time the big 3 were all together. They talked about Post-War Europe and the Soviet influence on Eastern Europe. Stalin came to concessions, including free elections. A meeting between the Allied leaders Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin in February 1945 at Yalta, a Crimean port on the Black Sea. The leaders planned the final stages of World War II and agreed on the subsequent territorial division of Europe.

A meeting held in Potsdam in the summer of 1945 among US, Soviet, and British leaders that established principles for the Allied occupation of Germany following the end of World War II.

US building the atomic bomb with England, without telling USSR or Germany. J. Robert Oppenheimer was a scientist who helped create it. The code name for the American project set up in 1942 to develop an atom bomb. The project culminated in 1945 with the detonation of the first nuclear weapon, at White Sands in New Mexico.

Final Solution (Holocaust)

Hitler's final solution resulted in the murder of 10-12 million "undesirables", especially Jews. Homosexuals, gypsies, handicapped people, and some Catholics, Africans, and Jehovah's witnesses were also targeted. The war refugee board was created to stop forced deportations, but FDR viewed winning the war the top priority over helping the Jews.

The United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima to bring about unconditional surrender and avoid invasion of Japan. It could have also been possibly dropped to show American power to the USSR.

By 1915, the Central Powers consisted of

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria

Woodrow Wilson wished to keep the United States neutral at the outbreak of World War I primarily because he

wanted to arbitrate among the combatants and to influence the settlement of the war.

The Zimmermann telegram of early 1917 was

an intercepted message from the German government to the Mexican government, inviting the latter to join Germany in war against the United States with the promise of regaining Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes American casualties in World War I?

About 53,000 military personnel were killed in action, and another 63,000 died of other causes (especially influenza)––a number far lower than the number of European losses.

African American soldiers in World War I

were assigned principally to duty as menial workers rather than as front-line troops.

During World War I, the Food Administration

encouraged the public to conserve food through voluntary restraint.

The divided loyalties of the American people regarding U.S. entrance into World War I included

Irish American disdain for British occupation of Ireland.

President Wilson's postwar plan for European recovery and cooperation was known as the

The Treaty of Versailles was defeated in the U.S. Senate in 1919 and 1920

when President Wilson ordered Democratic senators to vote against all Republican amendments.

In addition to representatives of the defeated Central Powers, the major world leader absent from the post–World War I deliberations of the Big Four was

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin of Soviet Russia.

Albert Fall, a member of Harding's cabinet as well as the first cabinet member in history to be publicly disgraced, went to prison as a result of the

One aim of 1920s “welfare capitalism” was to

deter the increase in union membership.

In the Bonus Army incident in Washington (1932), federal troops

fired on the assembled veterans and burned their encampment.

Following the stock market crash of October 1929,

many of the middle class who had not speculated in the stock market lost their life savings when banks failed.

The Harlem Renaissance was

led by a creative group of young writers and artists who broke with the older, genteel traditions of black literature to reclaim a cultural identity with African roots.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the 1920s Prohibition experiment?

Organized crime took over the trade in bootleg alcohol and grew wealthy from its profits.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Scopes “monkey trial” of 1925?

The trial quickly became a media circus.

The rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s

targeted Catholic and Jewish immigrants as well as African Americans.

The flapper, an icon of American culture, represented

the emancipated woman of the 1920s.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes consumer spending during the 1920s?

Installment buying boosted consumerism.

After the Japanese invaded China in 1937, President Roosevelt

urged peace-loving nations to “quarantine” Japan and other aggressors.

In June 1941, President Roosevelt issued an executive order banning discrimination in defense industries and the government on the basis of race, religion, color, or national origin primarily because

the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters agreed to cancel a protest march on Washington if he issued the order.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the experiences of minorities in the armed forces?

African Americans fought in segregated units.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the entry of women into the American workforce during World War II?

Men earned higher wages than women for comparable work.

The turning point of World War II in Europe came when the

Soviets halted the German advance at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942–1943.

In Hirabayashi v. United States and Korematsu v. United States, how did the U.S. Supreme Court react to the internment of Japanese Americans?

The Court allowed the removal of Japanese Americans from the West Coast as a legitimate exercise of power during wartime.

Which statement describes rationing during World War II?

Most Americans complied with rationing.

What did President Roosevelt call “a date that will live in infamy”?

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

What was the principal reason that Harry Truman and his American advisors decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan in the

They demanded unconditional surrender and were not willing to invade Japan.

Which of the following statements characterizes American business during the 1920's?

Which of the following statements characterizes American business during the 1920s? The two hundred largest corporations controlled almost half of the national nonbanking wealth.

How did the US government change immigration restrictions during the 1920s group of answer choices?

The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States as of the 1890 national census.

Which of the following accurately describes the new woman of the 1920s such as flappers?

Flappers were a "new breed" of young women in the 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed (cut short) their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior.

Which of the following industries drove the creation of American consumer culture in the 1920s?

The automobile industry also fostered the new culture of consumption by promoting the use of credit. By 1927, more than 60 percent of American automobiles were sold on credit, and installment purchasing was made available for nearly every other large consumer purchase.


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