Which of the following statements best describes the difference between classroom procedures and classroom rules?

  • School South Texas College
  • Course Title SOCI MISC
  • Pages 6

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TEST 2 EDUCATIONGRADE: 100%Based on research examining classroom management, which of the following is the bestadvice for beginning teachers with respect to classroom management?

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QUESTION 1Indirect instruction is a student-centered approach.

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QUESTION 3The first phase of Effective Teaching is:

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QUESTION 4Which of the following best describes the explicit curriculum?

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QUESTION 5Which of the following best describes a productive learning environment?

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QUESTION 6The process of requiring students to demonstrate mastery of the topics they study asmeasured by standardized tests, as well as holding educators at all levels responsible forstudents performance is known as:

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QUESTION 7According to the textbook, which of the following are features of effective cooperativelearning tasks?

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What is the difference between classroom procedures and classroom rules?

Classroom rules tell students what they can or cannot do. Procedures show them how to do something and communicate your expectations.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between classroom management and effective instruction quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between classroom management and the development of learner responsibility? Development of learner responsibility is an important goal for well-managed classrooms.

What do rules and procedures provide in the classroom setting?

Establishing classroom rules and procedures helps teachers maintain class routines and student expectations for classwork and behaviors. Classroom rules and procedures that are clearly defined and posted help students understand what is appropriate and what is not, as well as the consequences for rule violations.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the need for monitoring classroom rules?

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the need for monitoring classroom rules? Rules must be carefully monitored and discussed throughout the school year for all students. Demonstrating that you know what is going on in all parts of the classroom all of the time best describes: withitness.


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