Which of the following statements about squatter settlements in latin america is not true?

This process involves the discplacement of lower-income residents of central-city neighborhoods with higher-income residents, the rehabilitation of of deteriorated inner-city landscapes, and the construction of new shopping complexes, entertainment centers, or convention centers. 

Today most immigrants to the United States come from which two world regions? 

What form of transportation first opened corridors of development in the U.S., provided access to markets for commercial crops, and helped establish towns and cities across the country? 

What do we call new suburbs that include retailing, industry, office, and entertainment activities, but are less connected to the central city, and more connected to other suburban centers?

What North American city would have been most likely to see a population drain in the last half of the 1900s? 

Which of the following is a source of water pollution in North America?

industry and municipal sewage, mining operations 

Mechanization of agriculture is a cause of rural-to-urban migration.

Gerrymandering involves displacement of lower-income residents of central-city neighborhoods with higher-income residents, rehabilitation of deteriorated inner-city landscapes, and construction of new shopping complexes, entertainment centers, or convention centers.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Canada is slightly larger in land area than the United States, but its population is only about 10% that of the United States.

What region of the United States contains the country's densest population settlement? 

What causes the destruction associated with hurricanes? 

high winds, heavy downpours, severe flooding and coastal tidal surges

Squatter settlements are absent from Jamaica because its socialist government provides affordable apartments to its residents.

By the middle 1800s, when most colonial governments in the Caribbean began to free slaves, they sought indentured laborers from which other world region(s)?

South and Southeastern Asia

On which island of the Caribbean has the forest cover actually increased since the 1990s?

What was the name of the official United States policy that held that the United States would not tolerate European military involvement in the Western Hemisphere?

What percentage of the Caribbean population between the ages 15-49 has HIV/AIDS? 

Maroon societies were established by wealthy Caribbean landowners?

To which of the countries below would a person who is part of the Caribbean diaspora be LEAST likely to emigrate? 

Where do many of the economic migrants to Caribbean cities live once they reach the urban areas?

in squatter settlements or shanty towns 

What was the most common number of crops grown under the plantation system of agriculture?

Sub-Saharan Africa's largest city is Lagos, Nigeria.

What is the term for a person who has fled from a conflict, but who still resides in his or her country of origin?

an internally displaced person

In Sub-Saharan Africa, desertification is most severe in South Africa.

Why is there concern about the tsetse fly in Sub-Saharan Africa?

The tsetse fly spreads sleeping sickness to humans, cattle, and some wildlife. 

What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?

to divide up the African continent among various European colonial interests

What influence does religious affiliation have on birthrates in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Religious affiliation has little effect on fertility rates in the region. 

What makes the Nile River distinctive?

it is the world's longest river

Which of the following countries is NOT in the Horn of Africa?

Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with deforestation in the woodlands of the savannas in Sub-Saharan Africa?

When did most countries of Sub-Saharan Africa gain independence?

from the mid-1950s through the mid-1960s

In which county of Southwest Asia and North Africa are Palestinians currently seeking a homeland?

Which of the following parts of Southwest Asia and North Africa does the Fertile Crescent NOT include?

an irrigation system, developed in Iran, that taps into groundwater through a series of gently sloping tunnels 

Salinization, deforestation, overgrazing, and water shortages are environmental problems facing North Africa/Southwest Asia.

Why do most people migrate within and emigrate from Southwest Asia and North Africa?

to take advantage of job opportunities 

Hydropolitics is an important issue in North Africa/Southwest Asia because pollution has made so much of the water unacceptable for consumption.

Why is the region of Southwest Asia and North Africa considered a culture hearth?

It was an early center for agriculture. It was the center for three major world religions. It was an early center for several great civilizations. It was an early center for agriculture and for several great civilizations. 

In which country of Southwest Asia and North Africa are the flood plains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers located?

What is physiological density?

a population statistic that relates the number of people in a country to the amount of arable land 

People making a hajj (pilgrimage) to Makkah and Medinah must travel to which country of Southwest Asia and North Africa?

What explains the environmental diversity of Europe?

Latitudinal extent, long history of human settlement, complex geology, and interaction of land and sea

In which region of Europe are environmental conditions the worst? 

a geopolitcal and spatial entity fostered by ethnic and cultural nationalism 

What do the letters in NATO stand for?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 

Europe has a very slow rate of population growth.

Why have many European countries encouraged immigration of foreign populations into their borders in the recent past? 

they were experiencing low or negative growth, and needed immigrants to fill gaps in their labor force

In which country of Europe did the Industrial Revolution start?

Which of the following is NOT a cause of the economic hard times facing Eastern Europe today?

Immigrants from Afganistan who are willing to work for pennies are flooding into Europe and taking jobs from citizens of Eastern Europe

The number of speakers of Romance and Germanic languages in Europe is roughly equal. About how many speakers does each group have in Europe? 

The Apennines mountain range separates France and Spain?

Which body of water in the Russian Domain is the world's largest reserve of freshwater?

planned economic restructuring, an early move toward a freer market 

Which of the following countries is NOT considered to be within the Russian Domain?

The disposal of nuclear byproducts in the Russian Domain is a problem because this material could be sold on the black market and used for illegal weapons and manufacturing.

What was the policy of the former Soviet Union (USSR) regarding religion within its borders?

The USSR severely discouraged and even persecuted religious practive

The pattern of population growth in the Russian Domain since the demise of the USSR has been persistently declining population.

Why is the city of Chernobyl well-known?

It is the site of the world's worst-ever nuclear accident 

In what region of the Russian Domain was the Soviet Union's Gulag Achipelago located?

In what kind of housing do most average Russians live? 

What happened to the economy in the Russian Domain after the demise of the former Soviet Union (USSR)?

unprecedented economic decline, followed by selective economic improvement with the rise in world oil and natural prices since 2002 

Which of these Central Asian countries has no Russian military installation? 

The relatively clean environment in Central Asia is explained by the region's stringent environment standards and controls.

What was the most common foreign language of the countries of Central Asia in the 1970s?

What is the name of the collapsible, felt-covered structures that Mongolians live in as they tend their herds of sheep and cattle?

What is the primary reason for the shrinking of the Aral Sea?

Large-scale irrigation projects implemented by the Soviets in the 1950s have diverted water from the two rivers that feed the sea 

Which of the following counties are trying to influence Central Asia?

India and Pakistan, United States, Russia and China, Iran and Turkey. 

is the religious and political leader of Tibet.

Most residents of Central Asia live near the intersection of mountains and plains.

a fundamentalist Islamic group in Afganistan

What transportation technology must be constructed before the oil wealth of Central Asia can become economically viable?

Which country of East Asia has established oil drilling operations in several African counties?

Which island group is claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines?

The populations of Japan and South Korea 

are concentrated mainly in cities.

The Shinto religion is most closely associated with which country of East Asia?

What is an anthropogenic landscape?

a landscape that has been heavily transformed by human activities 

China has the highest population in East Asia, but not the world?

North Korea has the capability to produce nuclear weapons.

What writing system forms the basis for the writing throughout East Asia?

What has been the consequences of China's "one-child" policy?

Average fertility rate has dropped to 1.6, but the number of baby boys far exceeds the number of baby girls because of gender-selective abortion and abandonment of healthy baby girls at birth

What is China's rationale for constructing the massive Three Gorges Dam project?

China is trying to reduce its dependence on coal as a power source, which is causing widespread air pollution in the country 

What is the largest city in the South Asia (based on population?

What behavior does the South Asian religion of Jainism emphasize over all others?

Which of the following is NOT one of the environmental problems of South Asia?

The climatic factor that dominates South Asia is the tornado?

The Himalayas were formed by volcanic activity.

Why is Bangladesh internationally competitive in textile and clothing manufacture?

What makes the Himalayan Mountains of South Asia distinctive?

They are the world's tallest

The Green Revolution in South Asia

relied in part on newly developed varieties of crops

What physical feature is needed for orographic precipitation to occur?

places special emphasis on the use of Sanskrit

The Vietnam War started when Great Britain tried to regain control of its Southeast Asian colonies.

Which of the following elements did European colonial rule bring to Southeast Asia?

Spanish and Christianity as well as new governmental and educational systems

Which of the following factors helps to explain the historical lack of settlement in Southeast Asia?

What country of Southeast Asian is the world's most populous Muslim country?

What is the major reason for animosity toward Chinese immigrants in the countries of Southeast Asia?

Many of the Chinese immigrants are rather prosperous compared to the locals.

Within Southeast Asia, transmigration is most common in Indonesia.

What agricultural system is sometimes referred to as "slash and burn"?

What is the approximate population of Southeast Asia?

In Southeast Asia, hurricanes are known as cyclones.

What destroyed Bikini Atoll?

Goats, introduced in Australia, reached plague proportions, but were finally brought under control only after the purposeful introduction of a disease that affected only this particular introduced species.

Who are "uncontacted people"?

cultural groups that have yet to be "discovered" by the Western world

Approximately what percentage of Australia's population lives in urban areas along the coast?

Which of the following environmental problems is NOT a major issue in Australia/Oceania?

Wide-scale burning of forests after they have been cleared is creating smoke pollution. 

By what name do we know the Mexican assembly plants that line the border between Mexico and the United States?

Why is settlement so sparse in the Amazon Basin?

The quality of the soil is poor.

Which of the following environmental problems is associated with Mexico City?

After a century-and-a-half of colonization, what was the size of the indigenous population of Latin America?

one-tenth its orignal size

Neoliberal economic development calls for all of the following EXCEPT 

increased social spending for the poor 

What is the ethnicity of the majority of people in Latin America?

Which of the following is NOT one of the innovations that Curitiba, Brazil, has implemented in order to plan its growth in a more environmentally friendly fashion?

exportation of 25% of its population to surrounding rural areas 

Mercosur is the most important environmental organization in Latin America. 

Which of the following Latin American cities is NOT a megacity?

Squatter settlements in Latin America and elsewhere are unplanned and have no utilities.

An agreed upon common language to facilitate communication on specific topics such as international business, politics, sports or entertainment.
English is the lingua franca

1. learned 2. collective
3. behavior

largest urban settlement in a country that dominates all other urban places, economically and politically. 

What is an example of cash crop & subsistence crop?

Cash crop-cotton, tobacco Subsistence crop-rice, corn, wheat

A country adopts the US dollar as its currency. 

What is cultural assimilation?

A process in which immigrants are culturally absorbed into the larger host society. 

Migration of the best educated people from developing countries to developed nations where economic opportunities are greater

Pull force vs. push force 

push force=civil strife, environmental degradation, unemployment-push people away
pull force=better economic opportunity & health services-attract migrants to locations

What are squatter settlements quizlet?

Terms in this set (21) What are sqatter settlements? They are areas of cities that are built by people on marginal, dangerous land out of any material they can find. They are built illegally.

Where would you most likely find a squatter settlement in a typical Latin American city?

The zone of peripheral squatter settlements is located on the edge of Latin American cities and it is where the poorest people in the cities live. These areas have virtually no infrastructure and many homes are built by their residents using whatever materials they can find.

Where are the people of Latin America concentrated?

More than 20% of the population of Latin America is concentrated in the largest city of each country. With total populations in excess of 10 million, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Belo Horizonte already count as megacities.

What language is the second most common in Latin America Group of answer choices?

2. Portuguese. Coming in at a close second is Portuguese, with around 206 million speakers in South America.


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