Which of the following represents a function in the code chunk select all that apply 1 point?

Home » Data Science » Data Analysis » A data analyst creates a plot using the following code chunk:ggplot(data = penguins) +geom_point(mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = body_mass_g))Which of the following represents a function in the code chunk? Select all that apply.


Practice More Questions From: Working with data in R

What does the Geom_jitter () function do to the points in the plot 1 point?

It adds a small amount of random variation to the location of each point, and is a useful way of handling overplotting caused by discreteness in smaller datasets.

What code chunk do you add to the third line to save your plot as a JPEG file with penguins as the file name?

What code chunk do you add to the third line to save your plot as a jpeg file with "penguins" as the file name? You add the code chunk ggsave("penguins. jpeg") to save your plot as a jpeg file with "penguins" as the file name.

Which of the following are benefits of using ggplot2 select all that apply 1 point?

Solution. The benefits of using ggplot2 include easily adding layers to your plot, customizing the look and feel of your plot, combining data manipulation and visualization.

What code chunk does the analyst write to make sure all the column names are unique and consistent and contain only letters numbers and underscores?

Solution. The code chunk is clean_names(penguins) . The clean_names() function ensures that there are only characters, numbers, and underscores in the names used in the data frame.


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