Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the teacher to seek support in teaching Claire How do you better manage her behaviors?

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Table of Contents

  • What causes disruptive behaviour?
  • 7 tips for managing disruptive behaviour
  • 1. Believe In Your Students’ Potential
  • 2. Learn Everything You Can About Your Field
  • 3. Be Fun and Energetic
  • 4. Take Risks
  • 5. Be Creative and Think Outside The Box
  • 6. Be Consistent and Decisive
  • 7. Always be Up-To-Date
  • 8. Communicate
  • 9. Listen and Show Empathy About Personal Issues
  • 10. Provide Relevant Study Materials
  • 11. Be Observant
  • 12. Set Goals With Your Students

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Following on from her previous article on creating an inclusive classroom environment, IATEFL Inclusive Practices and SENs SIG Coordinator, Varinder Unlu, shares advice for managing disruptive behaviour in the classroom.

Disruptive behaviour is not limited to young learners only. Adult classes can also be challenging in this sense. Disruptive behaviour can be presented by learners in a number of ways, ranging from wanting control and power in the classroom, being consistently late, talking when they shouldn’t be, arguing with the teacher unnecessarily, challenging the teacher on certain issues, ignoring instructions, etc.

What causes disruptive behaviour?

There are a number of reasons why students may behave in this way. Some of the influencing classroom factors to consider are as follows:

  • Level – some students may find the lesson too easy or too difficult which can result in a disengagement with the tasks you have prepared.  Some students may not feel challenged enough and therefore withdraw from the lesson because they’re bored or frustrated.
  • Catering for everyone’s needs – is your classroom inclusive?  Sometimes bad behaviour can be a result of the teacher’s inability to meet all the students’ needs.
  • Your classroom – is the seating layout suitable for your learners? Is the room too hot or too cold? What’s the noise level like – is it too high that it distracts your students?
  • Group size and composition
  • Cultural and linguistics barriers
  • If a student has a specific learning difference (SpLD) which the teacher is unaware of, who may be displaying behaviour which the teacher perceives to be disruptive.

7 tips for managing disruptive behaviour

1) Clear rules about what is acceptable and what is not. Be careful to express rules in a positive way rather than making a list of dos and don’ts and make it an exercise that involves the students so that they understand the purpose of the rules. You could so this by asking students to make posters which can then be displayed on the wall in the classroom. It’s always a good idea to review the rules regularly and ask students to evaluate them.

2) Rapport. We all know that rapport with students is incredibly important. Finding the right balance, especially with young learners is vital. You want to be friendly and approachable without being a pushover. Your approach needs to change with different classes, with some students requiring a more firm approach and others less so.

3) Learning students’ names is highly important. Show an interest in the students lives outside of the classroom – finding out a little bit about their backgrounds, their interests, and treating them as individuals will not only help you understand them better but also help you prepare lessons that are relevant to their interests and needs.

4) Develop a flexible teaching style, and recognise when students aren’t interested in the lesson you have prepared for them! The ability to sense the students mood and motivation can help control disruptive behaviour.

5) Build a team atmosphere. Encourage students to work more collaboratively and solve problems together.

6) Don’t lose control and start shouting. This never works. Avoid using sarcasm even if you think it’s funny – your students won’t understand it. Be a good role model by behaving in a way that you want your learners to behave. If you are constantly late to class, your student will not take you seriously.

7) Support and strategies. If you think your student has a learning difference, talk to them and try to find out how you can support them. There are strategies you can work on together to help both you and the student.

Poor or bad behaviour can become a barrier to learning so it is very important that the teacher is able to identify and deal with the problem appropriately and create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued and equal.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, read all of Varinder Unlu’s articles in this series:

Tips for helping students’ concentration and focus
Specific learning difficulties – how can they affect your students?
Supporting students with specific learning differences
How to create an inclusive classroom environment

Get teaching tips, insights, and resources straight to your inbox when you create your free World of Better Learning account today.  

Are you thinking of becoming a teacher? Or are you looking for ways to become more successful in your teaching career? Well, you should note that teaching is not that easy, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. With patience and hard work, you can become a great teacher.

Luckily, there are countless strategies you can use to increase your success as a teacher and help your students succeed as well. Here are a dozen things successful teachers do.

1. Believe In Your Students’ Potential

A teacher’s success begins with the success of their students. Always have high expectations for your students. Believe in their potential to succeed and make sure you push them to their limits.

Believing in your students is one of the simplest but most powerful teaching methods. It also works when coaching in sports and in the workplace. Kids will do anything for a teacher who believes in them.

Even when they fail, motivate them to try again and to work harder. This strategy helps you to pull them out of their comfort zones. They can pursue success knowing that you are there to pick them up each time they fail.

2. Learn Everything You Can About Your Field

Being very knowledgeable in your field of study is also a crucial stepping stone towards a successful teaching career. It’s true that even the most successful teachers don’t know everything. But, the more you know, the easier it will be to teach your students and to offer them prompt answers to their questions.

Learning never stops and that’s why, as a teacher, you need to feed your mind with as much information as it can take in. Remember that students always prefer consulting teachers who are known to possess in-depth knowledge about a specific field. Knowledge indicates authenticity.

3. Be Fun and Energetic

Did you know that most students are more comfortable sharing their academic problems with humorous and enthusiastic teachers rather than the grumpy and “ever-serious” ones? Yes! The way you carry yourself greatly determines your approachability.

Make a point of smiling each time you converse with your students, crack a joke or two and so on. This helps to ease any tension or fear that the students may be feeling when approaching you for help.

4. Take Risks

They say, “No Risk, No Reward!” Taking risks plays a crucial part in a person’s success. Your students watch and observe all your moves. Therefore, if you take risks by trying new things every once in a while, they’ll also be confident enough do the same.

An environment that allows for expression and some risk-taking pushes students to burst out of their bubbles. You’ll effectively encourage students to explore the unknown, nurturing their risk-taking skills and eventual success.

5. Be Creative and Think Outside The Box

The strategies you use to pass on information to your students need to be creative in a way that captures the attention of your classroom. Strive to make each learning lesson a thrilling one for your students. This not only makes their learning experience fun but also ensures that they are fully engaged during each class and always eager for the next one.

6. Be Consistent and Decisive

To be successful at teaching, you need to be coherent and resolute. If you say something, stick to it! If you say you are going to do something, make sure you see it through! If you set rules, stand firmly by them! Avoid making exceptions or playing favorites.

7. Always be Up-To-Date

A successful teacher knows how important it is to be abreast with the latest news, educational advancements, technology and so on. Sharing this information with your students helps you to keep them updated too. In turn, this adds value to the learning experience.

Sharing new knowledge also pushes students to research and learn more about things that happen beyond the confines of their classroom. They might also do more outside of school hours, boosting knowledge instead of forgetting (e.g. see summer learning loss).

8. Communicate

Communication is a powerful learning tool. Whether it’s with a student or with their parent, dialog helps you to pass critical information and recommendations that may be crucial to the student’s success.

Communication is a make-or-break skill. Communicating well helps you form closer relationships, bring cohesion to teams, and take on leadership roles.


To help students succeed, getting their attention is a basic step. Students who aren’t listening aren’t learning what they need for academic success. Communicating well, especially by reinforcing key points and take-away messages, is the next step. Effective communication helps students to really learn and retain critical information.

Adjust your pace and style and even your body language. Be interesting to help to keep your students captivated and in a learning state.

9. Listen and Show Empathy About Personal Issues

Failing an exam does not always mean that the student failed to read for it. Sometimes, it may be due to external factors. That’s why successful teachers always take their time to listen and to advise their students.

Always treat each pupil with sensitivity, as if they’re your own child. That way, they’ll always confide in you in case something is deterring their success in class.

10. Provide Relevant Study Materials

This may be in the form of e-books, online resources, past papers, videos and so on – anything and everything that may be useful for their studies. Avoid overloading them with homework and assignments because it may exhaust their minds, hence slowing their learning.

11. Be Observant

To be successful at teaching, you need to observe all your students individually, separating their strengths from their weaknesses. This will help you to tailor strategies to help them harness their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.

To set appropriately high expectations, you first need a realistic assessment of where the class and individual students are at. Early testing and questioning is a good way to establish benchmark levels of knowledge and skill development.

12. Set Goals With Your Students

Bloom’s Taxonomy for setting learning objectives. Courtesy of Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.

As mentioned already, a teacher’s success is mostly determined by the success of their students. Therefore, you need to set goals and objectives with your students. After that, work with them towards achieving these goals together as a team.

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Volunteer at a local school. The simplest way to get a better understanding of what life is like inside a classroom is to spend some time there yourself. ... .
Support public libraries. ... .
Attend a local school board meeting. ... .
Show a teacher you care. ... .
Become a teacher..

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Although there are many different ways to teach effectively, good instructors have several qualities in common. They are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis.


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