Which of the following can be used as a disinfectant in a blood collection for alcohol testing?

The collection area is most commonly cleansed with a 70% alcohol-based solution, which serves to reduce the risk of introducing skin contaminants into the bloodstream and into the blood sample being collected. For certain laboratory tests, including blood cultures, the use of an iodine-based solution is used to further prevent microorganisms from contaminating the blood sample.

While draw preparation solutions are generally considered inert and will not affect the measurands, isopropanol or ethanol-based prep pads should not be used when samples are obtained for legal blood alcohol testing. Use a non-alcohol antiseptic, such as povidone iodine. Tincture of iodine should not be used because it contains alcohol. Similarly, if the patient is being tested for halides, such as iodine, the site should not be prepared with an iodine-containing solution.

After cleansing the collection site with an alcohol-based solution, allow the area to air dry, as residual alcohols on the skin may be introduced into collection tubes, and may increase the risk of cellular hemolysis.

What is the disinfectant of choice when drawing a blood alcohol?

The Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine has published national guidelines, which recommend that the venipuncture site should be accurately disinfected with 70% isopropyl alcohol or ethanol placed on sterile cotton or gauze pad before drawing blood (7).

What is use as disinfectant for blood collection?

3 PREPARE VENIPUNCTURE SITE Cleanse the skin using an appropriate disinfectant, such as chlorhexidine in 70% isopropyl alcohol or tincture of iodine in swab or applicator form. The venipuncture site is not fully clean until the disinfectant has fully evaporated.

Does alcohol disinfect blood?

Can drinking alcohol kill viruses and bacteria? Drinking alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, whiskey, or vodka won't help your body fight off an infection. When you drink, the concentration of alcohol that actually enters your bloodstream isn't enough to effectively kill germs.

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