Which of the following aspects of the Constitution best illustrates the concept of participatory democracy?

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Answer from: Quest

It established a Supreme Court, but left to Congress the authority to create lower federal courts as neededExplanation:

Answer from: Quest

Explanation:The best way to gauge customer satisfaction is through a direct customer feedback loop . Methods can be many viz. it’s a phone survey at the end of a service call, an email survey sent directly from your CRM tool, or a form on the “Contact Us” page of your website, creating a means for customers to give feedback makes it easier for you to learn what needs to improve. Explain how the Feedback Will Be Used and Respond to Everyday Feedback.

Answer from: Quest

Untouchability, in its literal sense, is the practice of ostracising a minority group by segregating them from the mainstream by social custom or legal mandate.The term is most commonly associated with treatment of the Dalit communities in the Indian subcontinent who were considered "polluting". The term has also been used to refer to other groups, including the Burakumin of Japan, the Baekjeong of Korea, and the Ragyabpa of Tibet, as well as the Romani people and Cagot in Europe, and the Al-Akhdam in Yemen, Traditionally, the groups characterized as untouchable were those whose occupations and habits of life involved ritually "polluting" activities, such as fishermen, manual scavengers, sweepers and washermen.In the medieval times, untouchables were also those who had eating habits like eating dead animals with diseases, in contrast to groups who supposedly followed higher standards of cleanliness.Untouchability has been outlawed in India, Nepal and Pakistan. However, "untouchability" has not been legally defined.[citation needed] The origin of untouchability and its historicity are still debated. B. R. Ambedkar believed that untouchability has existed at least as far back as 400 AD.A recent study of a sample of households in India concludes that "Notwithstanding the likelihood of under-reporting of the practice of untouchability, 70 percent of the population reported not indulging in this practice. This is an encouraging sign.

Answer from: Quest

state court systemExplanation:The state courts can be defined as the courts of general jurisdiction. These courts can hear all the cases not specifically selected for the federal courts. The trials for both civil and criminal cases can be conducted in the state courts. The state court follow and interpret the state laws. This helps the state to retain it's power in jurisdiction. Cases involving multiple states, foreign ambassador and non-citizen immigrants do not come under the jurisdiction of the state court.

Another question on law

law, 22.06.2019 15:20

This amendment required states to provide all citizens with "due process of law” — trial by a jury when accused of wrongdoing.

Answers: 3

law, 22.06.2019 15:20

If two laws conflict with each other, the Court must decide on the operation of each. . . . [T]he Constitution . . . must govern the case to which they both apply. This passage describes the legal principle of . This principle says it is the Court's job to decide if actions are allowed by .

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law, 22.06.2019 15:20

A legislature made up of two houses

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law, 22.06.2019 15:20

Police find a critically wounded man lying in the parking lot of a gas station. When they ask him what happened, he says that Mr. X shot him. Then, the man dies. Should the dead man's identification of Mr. X be allowed in court? Or is it hearsay and inadmissible? Explain your answer. Can you guys please help me with this.

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law, 22.06.2019 15:20

What was the effect of the passage of the 18th amendment to the united states constitution on alcohol consumption?

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law, 22.06.2019 15:20

When the bill of rights was added to the U. S constitution. What principle was given greater strength A. Republicanism B. Limited government C. Checks and balances D. Popular sovereignty

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law, 22.06.2019 15:20

Help please!!? 1. What are four important humans rights should space colonists have? Explain your reason for each of the four rights. 2. Why do you think some of the rights you said are important than others? 3.Do any of the four rights you listed conflict with one another? If so, which ones? Why? 4.Compare your list of rights with the rights listed on the Universal Declaration of Human rights. Which ones did you include? Which ones did you not include. 5.When does a human right become a legal right?

Answers: 3

You know the right answer?

Which of the following aspects of the US Constitution best illustrates the concept of participatory democracy? Choose 1 Choose 1 (Choice A) A The creation of the Electoral College (Choice B) B The process for choosing Supreme Court justices (Choice C) C The ban on religious oaths as a condition of holding office (Choice D) D The process for choosing members of the House of Representatives


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