What term refers to a persons intentional efforts to change other peoples attitudes quizlet?

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What term refers to a persons intentional efforts to change other peoples attitudes quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

What term refers to a persons intentional efforts to change other peoples attitudes quizlet?

Essentials of Understanding Psychology

14th EditionRobert S Feldman

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What term refers to a persons intentional efforts to change other peoples attitudes quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

What term refers to a persons intentional efforts to change other peoples attitudes quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions



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Terms in this set (6)


intentional effort to change other peoples attitudes in order to change their behabior


evaluation of a stimulus; can range from positive to negative

elaboration likelihood model

a theory of persuasion that proposes that persuasive messages can influence attitudes by 2 different routes, central or peripheral

central (systematic) route to persuasion

a style of processing a persuasive message by a person who has both the ability and motivation to think carefully about the messages argument. attitude change depends on the strength of the argument

-requires thoughtful, effortful processing, reciever must have ability and movitation

Peripheral (heuristic) route to persuasion

occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness

outcome--> more propagana and pictures more concerned with surface features. only produces temporary change.

central route persuasion

occurs when interested people focus on the arguments and respond with favorable thoughts

outcome--> lasting change that resists fading and counterattack

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