What should be included when a nurse will have a teaching plan for a new mother and her infant?

  • School Aspen University
  • Course Title NURSING 350C
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Uploaded By kinda1234
  • Pages 1
  • Ratings 67% (3) 2 out of 3 people found this document helpful

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The nurse decides on a teaching plan for a new mother and her infant. The plan should include:1. Discussing the matter with her in a non-threatening manner2. Showing by example and explanation how to care for the infant3. Setting up a schedule for teaching the mother how to care for her baby4. Supplying the emotional support to the mother and encouraging her independence

2. Showing by example and explanation how to care for the infant. Teaching the mother byexample is a non-threatening approach that allows her to proceed at her own pace.Which action best explains the main role of surfactant in the neonate?

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What should nurses teach new mothers?

Instructing new mothers on how to care for their babies, including how to bathe, change and feed them and care for the umbilical cord. Helping the mother establish a breastfeeding relationship if she wishes. Supporting the mother in her choices and reinforcing her ability and aptitude in caring for her child.

When teaching umbilical cord care to a new mother the nurse would include which information?

When teaching umbilical cord care to a new mother, the nurse would include which information? Rationale: Keeping the cord dry and open to air helps reduce infection and hastens drying. 45. A mother of a term neonate asks what the thick, white, cheesy coating is on his skin.

Why are teaching plans important in nursing?

Lesson plans are important because they provide a clear understanding of what will be taught, how it will be taught and evaluated, and how much time can be dedicated to each objective. It provides an in-depth look into the lesson to ensure the content is approached in a logical and organized manner.

What teaching should a nurse provide to a client to prevent mastitis?

Breastfeed every 2 or 3 hours to prevent engorgement. Take your time when you breastfeed to allow your baby to empty your breast. Try not to switch breasts too early. Express or pump after you breastfeed if your baby is not emptying your breasts when he or she feeds.


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