What range of motion is the nurse testing by asking a client to stoop to pick an object off the floor?

Chapter 24 Assessing Musculoskeletal system

Impaired physical mobility

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client found to have a strength problem. What would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client?
Impaired physical mobility
Self-care deficit
Impaired walking
Activity intolerance

Compare this finding to the range of motion to the right side

A nurse notices that a client has decreased range of motion with lateral bending of the cervical spine to the left side. What should the nurse do next in relation to this finding?
Finish with the assessment of the cervical spine before documenting

On inspection of the spine of a 79-year-old man, the nurse might expect to find a(n)
increased cervical curve
increased thoracic curve
decreased lumbar curve
decreased cervical curve

Straight leg raise test
Involves the client lying supine with the examiner raising the leg. If the client experiences a sharp pain radiating from the back down the leg in an L5 or S1 distribution that suggests a herniated disk.

A 32-year-old warehouse worker presents for evaluation of low back pain. He notes a sudden onset of pain after lifting a heavier-than-usual set of boxes. He also states that he has numbness and tingling in the left leg. What test should the nurse perform

Check for a pulse, color, temperature, and capillary refill.

A client presents to the emergency department after falling off a ladder while doing some outside painting at home. The client's ankle appears swollen, out of alignment, and is painful to touch. What is the nurse's first action?
Check for a pulse, color,

Alcohol consumption

The nurse is providing community education regarding osteoporosis. What risk factors for osteoporosis need to be included in the teaching? Select all that apply.
Weight-bearing activities
Low salt intake
Alcohol consumption

The nurse is assessing an elderly client and finds an exaggerated thoracic curve. This would be documented as what?
Ankylosing spondylitis

The school nurse notes that the client carries her left shoulder higher than her right shoulder. You should recognize the likely presence of what health problem?
Torn rotator cuff
Dislocated shoulder
Broken clavicle

fibrous, synovial (wrists, ankle, hip) and cartilaginous

Joints may be classified as cartilaginous, synovial, or

The nurse is assessing the spine of an adult client and detects lateral curvature of the thoracic spine with an increase in convexity on the left curved side. The nurse suspects that the client is experiencing

herniated intervertebral disc

An older adult client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that she has had shooting pain in both of her legs. The nurse should assess the client for signs and symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis.
herniated intervertebral disc.

While assessing the range of motion in an adult client's shoulders, the client expresses pain and exhibits limited abduction and muscle weakness. The nurse plans to refer the client to a physician for possible
nerve damage.
cervical disc degen

flex the knee and hip while in a supine position.The examiner holds the leg up and does some turning of the foot.

A client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that after playing softball yesterday, he thinks his knee is "locking up." The nurse should perform the McMurray test by asking the client to
raise his leg while in a supine position.
bend forward while tryin

looks like a plastic compass wheel.

The nurse is assessing the range of motion (ROM) of a patient's joints. What would the nurse use to assess flexion and extension of a joint if the patient complains of pain on examination?

When providing teaching to clients in the community, a nurse is accurate in stating that the musculoskeletal system is most closely aligned with which other body system?
renal system
gastrointestinal system
neurological system
integumentary system

A nurse conducts a physical examination of the musculoskeletal system of a client who reports upper arm pain. Which instruction should the nurse provide the client when assessing flexion of the elbow?
"Straighten your elbow."
"Bend your elbow."
"With palm

A nurse wants to assess the prevertebral muscles of a client who reports neck stiffness. In order to effectively conduct the physical examination of this area, the nurse should give which instruction to the client?
"Look over one shoulder and then the oth

A client has osteoarthritis of the elbow. Which assessment approach should the nurse expect to be impacted by this health problem?

normal quadriceps muscle strength

While sitting a client raises both legs while the nurse holds the lower legs below the knee. What does this finding indicate?
distal muscle symmetric weakness
proximal muscle symmetric weakness
normal quadriceps muscle strength
flexion deformity of both l

A client is unable to externally rotate the left shoulder. What health problem should the nurse suspect is occurring with this client?
rotator cuff tear
anterior dislocation of the humerus
carpal tunnel syndrome
rotator cuff tendinitis

"weird karate position

The nurse is testing a client for carpal tunnel syndrome. The client flexes the wrists at an angle of 90� and holds the backs of the hands to each other for 60 seconds. The client tells the nurse that he is experiencing a burning pain as a result. Which t

Knock kneed
Genu valgum, commonly called "knock-knee", is a condition in which the knees angle in and touch each other when the legs are straightened.

A school age client has been diagnosed with genu valgum. What is the other name for this disease?
Knock kneed

C7 and T1 spinous processes prominent. Paravertebral, sternocleidomastoid, and trapezius muscles fully developed, symmetrical, and nontender

A nurse has just finished assessing a client's spine and neck muscles. How would the nurse document normal findings?
C8 and T1 spinous processes prominent. Paravertebral, sternocleidomastoid, and trapezius muscles fully developed, symmetrical, and nontend

Measure movement with a goniometer

A nurse notices that a client's flexibility of the right elbow is less than the left elbow. What is an appropriate action by the nurse in regard to this finding?
Assess the client' hand grips
Measure movement with a goniometer
Notify the health care provi

What range of motion is the nurse testing by asking a client to stoop to pick an object off the floor?

The nurse is going to test range of motion in a patient. To test extension of the triceps muscle, the nurse would instruct the patient to
turn the palm down
straighten the elbow
bend the elbow
turn the palm up

Assessment of a client's ankle joint includes palpation along the Achilles tendon to look for which of the following?
Bogginess and calluses
Atrophy and flexibility
Tension and strength
Tenderness and nodules

Effusion in the knee joint
(fluid in the cavity)

During palpation of the client's knee, the nurse compresses the suprapatellar pouch against the client's femur with one hand while feeling on each side of the patella with the opposite hand. For which of the following problems is the nurse assessing?

It's important for you to maintain a healthy body weight.

A previously healthy 64-year-old man has been recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis. The client is motivated to maintain his quality of life and slow the progression of his new health problem. What advice can the nurse provide for the client in his effor

Ask the client to raise the leg to the point of pain and then dorsiflex the foot

A client visits the health care facility with reports of lumbar back pain that radiates down the back. The nurse performs the straight leg test to determine the origin of the pain. Which techniques should the nurse use to perform this test?
Instruct the c

A client visits the health care facility with reports of lumbar back pain that radiates down the back. The nurse performs the straight leg test to determine the origin of the pain. Which techniques should the nurse use to perform this test?
Instruct the c

impaired physical mobility

A client presents to the health care clinic with reports of pain in the hands and right wrist. Additional history reveals that the client is a factory worker who spends all day performing the same repetitive task. The nurse performs Phalen's test and Tine

A nurse is working with a client who has cervical disc degenerative disease with resulting impaired range of motion and pain that radiates to the back. The nurse understands that joints between the vertebrae are which type of joint?

Drinking plenty of vitamin D-fortified milk
Playing outside in the sun for at least 20 minutes a day

A nurse is teaching a group of children about how to grow healthy bones and to prevent osteoporosis later in life. Which of the following should the nurse mention? Select all that apply.
Eating a low-fat diet
Drinking 8 cups of water per day
Wearing sunsc

When the client performs straight leg flexion, the client complains of pain that radiates down his leg. The nurse understands that this may indicate what?
Herniated disc
Degenerative joint disease
Hip fracture

The client is complaining that his lower joints are increasingly painful as the day progresses. The nurse suspects the client is experiencing what musculoskeletal disorder?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Bone fracture

Moderate strenuous exercise tends to increase bone density.

The nurse is planning a presentation on osteoporosis to a group of high school students. Which of the following should the nurse plan to include in the presentation?
Approximately 5 million fractures in the United States are due to osteoporosis.

vitamin C promotes healing of tissues and bones.

The nurse is caring for an adult client who is in a cast because of a fractured arm. To promote healing of the bone and tissue, the nurse should instruct the client to eat a diet that is high in
whole grains.
vitamin B.
vitamin E.
vitamin C.


A nurse is conducting a physical examination of the musculoskeletal system of a client who reports having joint pain. Which signs indicate there is inflammation in the joints? Select all that apply.
subcutaneous nodules

Bones provide structure, give protection, serve as levers, store calcium, and produce blood cells. A total of 206 bones make up the axial skeleton (head and trunk) and the appendicular skeleton
(Weber 507)

How many bones do we have and what role do bones serve?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues

Osteoporosis is more common as a person ages because that is when bone resorption increases, calcium absorption decreases, and production of osteoblasts decreases as well.
(Weber 514)

Why do old people get osteoporosis?

Impaired physical mobility

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client found to have a strength problem. What would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client?
Impaired physical mobility
Self-care deficit
Impaired walking
Activity intolerance

Compare this finding to the range of motion to the right side

A nurse notices that a client has decreased range of motion with lateral bending of the cervical spine to the left side. What should the nurse do next in relation to this finding?
Finish with the assessment of the cervical spine before documenting

On inspection of the spine of a 79-year-old man, the nurse might expect to find a(n)
increased cervical curve
increased thoracic curve
decreased lumbar curve
decreased cervical curve

Straight leg raise test
Involves the client lying supine with the examiner raising the leg. If the client experiences a sharp pain radiating from the back down the leg in an L5 or S1 distribution that suggests a herniated disk.

A 32-year-old warehouse worker presents for evaluation of low back pain. He notes a sudden onset of pain after lifting a heavier-than-usual set of boxes. He also states that he has numbness and tingling in the left leg. What test should the nurse perform

Check for a pulse, color, temperature, and capillary refill.

A client presents to the emergency department after falling off a ladder while doing some outside painting at home. The client's ankle appears swollen, out of alignment, and is painful to touch. What is the nurse's first action?
Check for a pulse, color,

Alcohol consumption

The nurse is providing community education regarding osteoporosis. What risk factors for osteoporosis need to be included in the teaching? Select all that apply.
Weight-bearing activities
Low salt intake
Alcohol consumption

The nurse is assessing an elderly client and finds an exaggerated thoracic curve. This would be documented as what?
Ankylosing spondylitis

The school nurse notes that the client carries her left shoulder higher than her right shoulder. You should recognize the likely presence of what health problem?
Torn rotator cuff
Dislocated shoulder
Broken clavicle

fibrous, synovial (wrists, ankle, hip) and cartilaginous

Joints may be classified as cartilaginous, synovial, or

The nurse is assessing the spine of an adult client and detects lateral curvature of the thoracic spine with an increase in convexity on the left curved side. The nurse suspects that the client is experiencing

herniated intervertebral disc

An older adult client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that she has had shooting pain in both of her legs. The nurse should assess the client for signs and symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis.
herniated intervertebral disc.

While assessing the range of motion in an adult client's shoulders, the client expresses pain and exhibits limited abduction and muscle weakness. The nurse plans to refer the client to a physician for possible
nerve damage.
cervical disc degen

flex the knee and hip while in a supine position.The examiner holds the leg up and does some turning of the foot.

A client visits the clinic and tells the nurse that after playing softball yesterday, he thinks his knee is "locking up." The nurse should perform the McMurray test by asking the client to
raise his leg while in a supine position.
bend forward while tryin

looks like a plastic compass wheel.

The nurse is assessing the range of motion (ROM) of a patient's joints. What would the nurse use to assess flexion and extension of a joint if the patient complains of pain on examination?

When providing teaching to clients in the community, a nurse is accurate in stating that the musculoskeletal system is most closely aligned with which other body system?
renal system
gastrointestinal system
neurological system
integumentary system

A nurse conducts a physical examination of the musculoskeletal system of a client who reports upper arm pain. Which instruction should the nurse provide the client when assessing flexion of the elbow?
"Straighten your elbow."
"Bend your elbow."
"With palm

A nurse wants to assess the prevertebral muscles of a client who reports neck stiffness. In order to effectively conduct the physical examination of this area, the nurse should give which instruction to the client?
"Look over one shoulder and then the oth

A client has osteoarthritis of the elbow. Which assessment approach should the nurse expect to be impacted by this health problem?

normal quadriceps muscle strength

While sitting a client raises both legs while the nurse holds the lower legs below the knee. What does this finding indicate?
distal muscle symmetric weakness
proximal muscle symmetric weakness
normal quadriceps muscle strength
flexion deformity of both l

A client is unable to externally rotate the left shoulder. What health problem should the nurse suspect is occurring with this client?
rotator cuff tear
anterior dislocation of the humerus
carpal tunnel syndrome
rotator cuff tendinitis

"weird karate position

The nurse is testing a client for carpal tunnel syndrome. The client flexes the wrists at an angle of 90� and holds the backs of the hands to each other for 60 seconds. The client tells the nurse that he is experiencing a burning pain as a result. Which t

Knock kneed
Genu valgum, commonly called "knock-knee", is a condition in which the knees angle in and touch each other when the legs are straightened.

A school age client has been diagnosed with genu valgum. What is the other name for this disease?
Knock kneed

C7 and T1 spinous processes prominent. Paravertebral, sternocleidomastoid, and trapezius muscles fully developed, symmetrical, and nontender

A nurse has just finished assessing a client's spine and neck muscles. How would the nurse document normal findings?
C8 and T1 spinous processes prominent. Paravertebral, sternocleidomastoid, and trapezius muscles fully developed, symmetrical, and nontend

Measure movement with a goniometer

A nurse notices that a client's flexibility of the right elbow is less than the left elbow. What is an appropriate action by the nurse in regard to this finding?
Assess the client' hand grips
Measure movement with a goniometer
Notify the health care provi

What range of motion is the nurse testing by asking a client to stoop to pick an object off the floor?

The nurse is going to test range of motion in a patient. To test extension of the triceps muscle, the nurse would instruct the patient to
turn the palm down
straighten the elbow
bend the elbow
turn the palm up

Assessment of a client's ankle joint includes palpation along the Achilles tendon to look for which of the following?
Bogginess and calluses
Atrophy and flexibility
Tension and strength
Tenderness and nodules

Effusion in the knee joint
(fluid in the cavity)

During palpation of the client's knee, the nurse compresses the suprapatellar pouch against the client's femur with one hand while feeling on each side of the patella with the opposite hand. For which of the following problems is the nurse assessing?

It's important for you to maintain a healthy body weight.

A previously healthy 64-year-old man has been recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis. The client is motivated to maintain his quality of life and slow the progression of his new health problem. What advice can the nurse provide for the client in his effor

Ask the client to raise the leg to the point of pain and then dorsiflex the foot

A client visits the health care facility with reports of lumbar back pain that radiates down the back. The nurse performs the straight leg test to determine the origin of the pain. Which techniques should the nurse use to perform this test?
Instruct the c

A client visits the health care facility with reports of lumbar back pain that radiates down the back. The nurse performs the straight leg test to determine the origin of the pain. Which techniques should the nurse use to perform this test?
Instruct the c

impaired physical mobility

A client presents to the health care clinic with reports of pain in the hands and right wrist. Additional history reveals that the client is a factory worker who spends all day performing the same repetitive task. The nurse performs Phalen's test and Tine

A nurse is working with a client who has cervical disc degenerative disease with resulting impaired range of motion and pain that radiates to the back. The nurse understands that joints between the vertebrae are which type of joint?

Drinking plenty of vitamin D-fortified milk
Playing outside in the sun for at least 20 minutes a day

A nurse is teaching a group of children about how to grow healthy bones and to prevent osteoporosis later in life. Which of the following should the nurse mention? Select all that apply.
Eating a low-fat diet
Drinking 8 cups of water per day
Wearing sunsc

When the client performs straight leg flexion, the client complains of pain that radiates down his leg. The nurse understands that this may indicate what?
Herniated disc
Degenerative joint disease
Hip fracture

The client is complaining that his lower joints are increasingly painful as the day progresses. The nurse suspects the client is experiencing what musculoskeletal disorder?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Bone fracture

Moderate strenuous exercise tends to increase bone density.

The nurse is planning a presentation on osteoporosis to a group of high school students. Which of the following should the nurse plan to include in the presentation?
Approximately 5 million fractures in the United States are due to osteoporosis.

vitamin C promotes healing of tissues and bones.

The nurse is caring for an adult client who is in a cast because of a fractured arm. To promote healing of the bone and tissue, the nurse should instruct the client to eat a diet that is high in
whole grains.
vitamin B.
vitamin E.
vitamin C.


A nurse is conducting a physical examination of the musculoskeletal system of a client who reports having joint pain. Which signs indicate there is inflammation in the joints? Select all that apply.
subcutaneous nodules

Bones provide structure, give protection, serve as levers, store calcium, and produce blood cells. A total of 206 bones make up the axial skeleton (head and trunk) and the appendicular skeleton
(Weber 507)

How many bones do we have and what role do bones serve?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues

Osteoporosis is more common as a person ages because that is when bone resorption increases, calcium absorption decreases, and production of osteoblasts decreases as well.
(Weber 514)

Why do old people get osteoporosis?

When measuring the range of motion in a patient which instrument should the nurse use?

Range of motion is measured by your physical therapist using a device called a goniometer. A goniometer is a metal or plastic handheld device with two arms.

Which instructions should the nurse provide a client to assess the lateral flexion?

To check for lateral flexion, ask the patient to hyperextend the spine as much as possible and then to pass the hand straight down the thigh, first on the right and then on the left, keeping the hips straight.

When assessing muscle tone and strength the nurse would document expected findings as?

When assessing muscle tone and strength, the nurse would document expected findings a: "upper and lower extremity muscle strength is 5/5 bilaterally", 5/5 (100%) normal muscle strength with complete ROM against gravity and full resistance.

What is term muscle movement when you turn head to the right shoulder then back to the midline and vice versa quizlet?

Circumduction is the circular motion of the joint. Rotation involves turning the head to the right shoulder then back to midline and then turning the head to the left shoulder then back to midline.


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