What is the total magnification of the ocular lens is 10X and the objective lens is 30x?

biologu grade 11

Image transcription text

Magnification and field of view Exercises: 1. What is the total magnification of the following microscope? a. A microscope has an ocular lens with a power of 5x. The objective lens being used has a power of 10x b. A microscope has an ocular lens with a power of 10x. The objective lens being used has a power of 40x 2. Convert each of the following to micrometers (um). a) 3.5mm b) 4.0mm c) 1.5 cm d) 0.5 cm 3. Sue observes a clear plastic, millimeter ruler under low power on her microscope. She sees three divisions of the ruler. What would be the field of view diameter of Sue's microscope on low power in micrometres? 4. The following information is for a microscope which has an ocular lens with a power of 10x. Using the information, calculate the field of view diameter for medium and high power. Objective Lens Power Ocular Lens Power Total Magnification Field of View Diameter Low 4x 3500 um Medium 10x High 40x 5. Fill in the following chart: Actual Specimen Size Drawing Size Magnification 0.5 mm 2 cm 200 um 1 cm 40 um 2 cm 100 um 200X 5 cm 100X 4 cm 50X

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Image transcription text

Microscope Calculation Formula: magnification - - size of image actual size of object actual size of object - size of image magnification Size A * M-- Total Magnification= Ocular Lens Magnification X Objective Lens Magnification Field Of View(Diameter): HP diameter/LP diameter = LP Magnification/ HP Magnification

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Image transcription text

Microscope Calculations Practice: 1. Calculate the highest total magnification for a microscope with an ocular lens of 15X and objective lenses of 5X, 10X, and 30X. 2. Calculate the dFOVmp for a microscope with a dFOVIp of 3.6 mm and objective lenses equal to those in question #1. 3. Calculate the dFOVhp for a microscope with a dFOVIp of 4.0 mm and objective lenses equal to those in question #1. 4. Calculate the actual size of a cell if 4 of them fit across the dFOVmp from question #2. 5. Calculate the dFOVhp of a microscope if 16 cells fit across the field of view and the actual size of a cell is 0.05 mm.

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Step-by-step explanation

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What is total magnification when you use 10X ocular lens and 40X objective lens?

A microscope's total magnification is a combination of the eyepieces and the objective lens. For example, a biological microscope with 10x eyepieces and a 40x objective has 400x magnification.

What is the total magnification of 10X ocular lens?

Low Power Objective (10x) The total magnification of a low power objective lens combined with a 10x eyepiece lens is 100x magnification, giving you a closer view of the slide than a scanning objective lens without getting too close for general viewing purposes.

What is the total magnification of the ocular lens is 10X and the objective lens is 100X?

The total magnification is the magnification of the ocular lens (10) multiplied by the objective lens (100). If we multiply 100 x 10 = 1,000. This is noted as the total magnification is 1000x, or 1000 times the size of the specimen.

What is the total magnification of the ocular is 10X and the objective is 50x?

Therefore, we multiply the ocular objective lens magnification (10x) with the high power objective lens (50x); hence, the total magnification equals 500x.


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