What is the term that describes mentally ill individuals who were affected by the stars and planets quizlet?

the approach to clinical assessment that focuses on the objective recording and description of problem behavior

-behavior is primarily determined by environmental or situational factors, such as stimulus cues and reinforcement, not underlying traits

-aims to sample an individuals' behavior in settings as similar as possible to the real-life situation (home, school, or work environment)

-Direct observation: hallmark of behavioral assessment. Clinicians can observe and quantify problem behavior. Observers are trained identify and record targeted patterns of behavior
-Advantage: does not rely on the clients self-reports, can suggest strategies for intervention
-Disadvantage: possible lack of consensus in defining problems in behavioral terms, lack of reliability of measurement

-Reactivity: the tendency for the behavior being observed to be influenced by the way in which it is measured. (people might put their best feet forward when they know they're being observed)

-Self-monitoring: process of observing or recording your own thoughts, feelings, actions

Analogue measures: intended to stimulate the setting in which a behavior naturally takes place but are carried out in laboratory or controlled setting. Role-playing

Behavioral Rating Scales: a checklist that provides information about the frequency, intensity, and range of problem behaviors.
-Items assess specific behaviors rather than personality characteristics, interests, or attitudes

Freud-psychoanalytic theory
Unconscious motives and conflicts
Couch therapist.

Structure of personality:
Id, ego, and superego
Ego- balances
Superego- conscious, moral reasoning
Id- Impulsive, basic instincts

Defense mechanisms- when something is stressful, we find ways of dealing with it. Fx: denial, repression (store it in the back of our minds), regression (go back into a different state of your childhood or adolescence), rationalization, reaction formation (feeling the opposite of what you're saying. Doing the opposite of what I feel), sublimation (finding appropriate ways of dealing with your feelings. A coping skill. Fx: boxing, for etc.),

Psychosexual stages of development
Depending on how you go through the stages, you develop a healthy personality.
Oral, Anal,

Other psychodynamic theorists
All started with Freud, but made their own models: Adler (big on social justice.) instead of sexual impulses, we had feelings of inferiority., Erikson (big on social justice as well), Carl Jung
Freud is big on dream analysis.
Evaluating psychodynamic models

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According to Sigmund Freud, the mind can be divided into three parts: ____, ____, and _____.
a. oral, anal, and phallic
b. brain stem, limbic system, and cortex
c. genetic, neural, and biological
d. id, ego, superego

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a. plateau phase, orgasmic phase, resolution phase, excitement phase
b. excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasmic phase, resolution phase
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d. plateau phase, orgasmic phase, excitement phase, resolution phase

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When observational data are being collected, the observer's presence may cause a person to behave differently, a phenomenon known as

0.5 / 0.5
When observational data are being collected, the observer's presence may cause a person to behave differently, a phenomenon known as

0.5 / 0.5
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0.5 / 0.5
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0.5 / 0.5
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What does a psychological dysfunction refer to?

impaired or abnormal mental functioning and patterns of behavior.

What is the scientific study of psychological disorders?

The study of psychological disorders is called psychopathology.

How is abnormal behavior identified?

Abnormal behavior is any behavior that deviates from what is considered normal. There are four general criteria that psychologists use to identify abnormal behavior: violation of social norms, statistical rarity, personal distress, and maladaptive behavior.

What is the medical model of psychopathology?

In psychology, the term medical model refers to the assumption that psychopathology is the result of one's biology, that is to say, a physical/organic problem in brain structures, neurotransmitters, genetics, the endocrine system etc., as with traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease, or Down's syndrome.


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