What is the probability of getting two tails when two unbiased coins are tossed?


Carl B.


10 months, 1 week ago

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two coins are tossed simultaneously find the probability of getting two tails


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If the first coin is tails, that's a half chance, and if the second coin is tails, that's a full chance. We're going to add these chances together and get a little bit. The probability of getting two tails is.25.

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Here we will learn how to find the probability of tossing two coins.

Let us take the experiment of tossing two coins simultaneously:

When we toss two coins simultaneously then the possible of outcomes are: (two heads) or (one head and one tail) or (two tails) i.e., in short (H, H) or (H, T) or (T, T) respectively; where H is denoted for head and T is denoted for tail.

Therefore, total numbers of outcome are 22 = 4

The above explanation will help us to solve the problems on finding the probability of tossing two coins.

Worked-out problems on probability involving tossing or flipping two coins:

1. Two different coins are tossed randomly. Find the probability of:

(i) getting two heads

(ii) getting two tails

(iii) getting one tail

(iv) getting no head

(v) getting no tail

(vi) getting at least 1 head

(vii) getting at least 1 tail

(viii) getting atmost 1 tail

(ix) getting 1 head and 1 tail


When two different coins are tossed randomly, the sample space is given by

S = {HH, HT, TH, TT}

Therefore, n(S) = 4.

(i) getting two heads:

Let E1 = event of getting 2 heads. Then,
E1 = {HH} and, therefore, n(E1) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting 2 heads) = P(E1) = n(E1)/n(S) = 1/4.

(ii) getting two tails:

Let E2 = event of getting 2 tails. Then,
E2 = {TT} and, therefore, n(E2) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting 2 tails) = P(E2) = n(E2)/n(S) = 1/4.

(iii) getting one tail:

Let E3 = event of getting 1 tail. Then,
E3 = {TH, HT} and, therefore, n(E3) = 2.
Therefore, P(getting 1 tail) = P(E3) = n(E3)/n(S) = 2/4 = 1/2

(iv) getting no head:

Let E4 = event of getting no head. Then,
E4 = {TT} and, therefore, n(E4) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting no head) = P(E4) = n(E4)/n(S) = ¼.

(v) getting no tail:

Let E5 = event of getting no tail. Then,
E5 = {HH} and, therefore, n(E5) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting no tail) = P(E5) = n(E5)/n(S) = ¼.

(vi) getting at least 1 head:

Let E6 = event of getting at least 1 head. Then,
E6 = {HT, TH, HH} and, therefore, n(E6) = 3.
Therefore, P(getting at least 1 head) = P(E6) = n(E6)/n(S) = ¾.

(vii) getting at least 1 tail:

Let E7 = event of getting at least 1 tail. Then,
E7 = {TH, HT, TT} and, therefore, n(E7) = 3.
Therefore, P(getting at least 1 tail) = P(E2) = n(E2)/n(S) = ¾.

(viii) getting atmost 1 tail:

Let E8 = event of getting atmost 1 tail. Then,
E8 = {TH, HT, HH} and, therefore, n(E8) = 3.
Therefore, P(getting atmost 1 tail) = P(E8) = n(E8)/n(S) = ¾.

(ix) getting 1 head and 1 tail:

Let E9 = event of getting 1 head and 1 tail. Then,
E9 = {HT, TH } and, therefore, n(E9) = 2.
Therefore, P(getting 1 head and 1 tail) = P(E9) = n(E9)/n(S)= 2/4 = 1/2.

The solved examples involving probability of tossing two coins will help us to practice different questions provided in the sheets for flipping 2 coins.



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What is the probability of getting 2 tails in tossing 2 coins?

∴ The probability of getting exactly two tail is 1/4.

When an unbiased two coins are tossed?

If two unbiased coins are tossed simultaneously, then the total number of possible outcomes may be either. a favourable outcome for two heads is HH. (ii) favourable outcomes for one tail are TH, HT. (iii) favourable outcomes for at least one tail are TH, HT, TT.

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Detailed Solution. ∴ Probability of getting at least two heads are 1/2.


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