What intervention S would the nurse caring for a child with infectious meningitis include?

A parent comments that her infant has had several ear infections in the past few months. The nurse understands that infants are more susceptible to otitis media because:

the eustachian tube is short, straight, and wide.

The nurse determines a mother understands instructions about administering an oral antibiotic for otitis media when the mother verbalizes that she will:

administer prescribed doses until all the medication is used.

The situation in which the nurse would suspect a hearing impairment is a(n):

24-month-old toddler who communicates by pointing.

The best way for the nurse to communicate with a 10-year-old child who has a hearing impairment would be to:

face the child and speak clearly in short sentences.

The nurse planning postoperative teaching for a child who has had a tympanostomy with insertion of tubes would include:

avoiding getting water in the ears.

The school nurse would suspect strabismus when the child:

covers one eye to read the chalkboard.

The nurse explains that a common treatment for amblyopia is:

patching the good eye to force the brain to use the affected eye.

The school nurse recognizes the cardinal sign of a hyphema when she assesses:

a dark-red spot in front of the iris.

The nurse is planning to teach parents about prevention of Reye’s syndrome. What information would the nurse include in this teaching?

Avoid giving salicylate-containing medications to a child who has viral symptoms.

The nurse caring for a 5-month-old with viral influenza suspects the development of Reye’s syndrome when the child:

suddenly vomits without effort.

The nurse explains that febrile seizures:

occur when the temperature rises quickly.

A parent reports that her child has begun to do poorly at school and experiences episodes where he appears to be staring into space. This behavior is characteristic of which type of seizure?

An adolescent has just had a generalized seizure and collapsed in the school nurse’s office. The nurse should call 911 if the student:

has a seizure lasting more than 5 minutes.

When a child is experiencing a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, an appropriate nursing action would be to:

move objects out of the child’s immediate area.

A child diagnosed with epilepsy had a generalized tonic-clonic seizure that lasted 90 seconds. After a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, the nurse would expect that the child might be:

The nurse creating a teaching plan that includes the long-term administration of phenytoin (Dilantin) would state that:

gums should be massaged regularly to prevent hyperplasia.

The nurse observes that the legs of a child with cerebral palsy cross involuntarily, and the child exhibits jerky movements with his arms as he tries to eat. The nurse recognizes that he has which type of cerebral palsy?

The assessment finding that should be reported immediately if observed in a child with meningitis is:

The nurse observes a child’s position is supine with his arms and legs rigidly extended and the hands pronated. The nurse recognizes this posture as:

The nurse giving instructions for acute conjunctivitis would teach parents to

clear drainage from the inner to the outer aspect of the eye.

A child is brought to the emergency department after he fell and hit his head on the ground. The nursing assessment that suggests the child has a concussion is:

cannot remember what happened to him.

A child is admitted to the hospital because she had a seizure. Her parents report that for the past few weeks she has had headaches, with vomiting, that are worse in the morning. The nurse would suspect:

The nurse urges the mother of a 6-month-old to get her child inoculated with Haemophilus influenzae type B to protect against

In caring for a 3-year-old with a head injury, the nurse would report the probability of increasing intracranial pressure (ICP) based on the assessment of:

increase in blood pressure with an attendant decrease in pulse.

Why would the pediatric nurse suspect the probability of an ear infection in a 6-month-old child? Select all that apply.


Rolls head from side to side

Temperature of 39.4° C (103° F)

The nurse cautions parents that hearing impairment can affect which aspect(s) of the child’s development? Select all that apply.

Speech clarity

Language development

Emotional stability

Personality development

Academic achievement

What would the nurse, who is preparing air travel instructions to prevent barotrauma in infants, include in teaching? Select all that apply.

Letting the infant nurse during descent

What intervention(s) would the nurse caring for a child with infectious meningitis include? Select all that apply.

Isolation precautions

Provision of dimly lit room

Observation for increasing intracranial pressure

Preparation for spinal tap

Seizure precautions

When documenting a grand mal seizure, what would the nurse include? Select all that apply.

Presence of incontinence

Activity level prior to and following seizure

Level of consciousness following seizure

Length of seizure

Which period would the nurse maintain isolation of a child with bacterial meningitis?

If Meningococcal Meningitis is suspected patients should be isolated and droplet precautions continued for 24 hours after administration of appropriate antibiotics.

What is the best way for the nurse to communicate with a 10 year old child who has a hearing impairment?

Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth movements. Shouting distorts the sound of speech and may make speech reading more difficult. Say the person's name before beginning a conversation.

What might the nurse explain as a common treatment for amblyopia?

Eye patching is a common treatment for amblyopia, also called lazy eye, which is a condition where the eye and the brain don't work together well.

Which of these age groups has the highest actual rate of death from drowning?

Children ages 1–4 have the highest drowning rates. Most drownings in children 1–4 happen in swimming pools.


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