What element is used to create a feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits?

Elements of Art

Line -is a continuous mark on a surface that describes a shape or outline. It can be thick and thin.  Types of line include actual, implied, vertical, horizontal, diagonal and contour lines.

Shape -is an enclosed area, a 2-dimensional line with no form or thickness. Shapes are flat and can be grouped into two categories, geometric and organic.

Color - refers to specific hues.  Color can be broken up into three sets; primary, secondary, and intermediate colors.Black  and white can be added to produce tints (add white), shades (add black) and tones (add gray).

Value -is the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast between black and white and all the tones in between. Value can be used with color as well as black and white. Contrast is the extreme changes between values.

Form -is a 3-dimensional object having volume and thickness. It is the illusion of a 3-D effect that can be implied with the use of light and shading techniques.

Texture - is about surface quality either tactile or visual. Texture can be real or implied by different uses of media. It is the degree of roughness or smoothness of objects.

Space  -refers to the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things. Positive space would be the subject matter of an artwork.  Negative space would be the empty area around the subject.

Principles of Design

Balance - is a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc.  Balance can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Contrast - offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a composition. Contrast shows the difference between shapes and can be used as a background to bring objects out and forward in a design. 

Harmony- a union or blend of aesthetically compatible components. A composition is harmonious when the interrelationships between its parts work together to create the whole.

Emphasis - artists use emphasis to make certain parts of their artwork stand out and grab your attention. The center of interest or focal point is the place the artist draws your eye to first.

Movement - is a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of placement and position. 

Pattern - is the repeating of an object or symbol throughout the artwork.

Rhythm - is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement.  Rhythm creates a mood like music or dancing.

Unity - is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits.

Composition is the term used to describe the arrangement of the visual elements in a painting or other artwork. It is how the elements of art and design—line, shape, color, value, texture, form, and space—are organized or composed according to the principles of art and design—balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity/variety—and other elements of composition, to give the painting structure and convey the intent of the artist.

Composition is different from the subject matter of a painting. Every painting, whether abstract or representational, regardless of subject matter, has a composition. Good composition is essential to the success of a painting. Done successfully, good composition draws the viewer in and then moves the viewer's eye across the whole painting so that everything is taken in, finally settling on the main subject of the painting.

Composition According to Henri Matisse

"Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the diverse elements at the painter's command to express his feelings." - Henri Matisse in "Notes of a Painter."

Elements of Composition

The elements of composition in art are used to arrange or organize the visual components in a way that is pleasing to the artist and, one hopes, the viewer. They help give structure to the layout of the painting and the way the subject is presented. They can also encourage or lead the viewer's eye to wander around the whole painting, taking in everything and ultimately coming back to rest on the focal point. In Western art the elements of composition are generally considered to be:

  • Unity: Do all the parts of the composition feel as if they belong together, or does something feel stuck on, awkwardly out of place?
  • Balance: Balance is the sense that the painting "feels right" and not heavier on one side. Having a symmetrical arrangement adds a sense of calm, whereas an asymmetrical arrangement creates a more dynamic feeling. A painting that is not balanced creates a sense of unease. 
  • Movement: There are many ways to give a sense of movement in a painting, such as the arrangement of objects, the position of figures, the flow of a river. You can use leading lines (a photography term applicable to painting) to direct the viewer's eye into and around the painting. Leading lines can be actual lines, such as the lines of a fence or railroad, or they can be implied lines, such as a row of trees or curve of stones or circles.
  • Rhythm: In much the same way music does, a piece of art can have a rhythm or underlying beat that leads your eye to view the artwork at a certain pace. Look for the large underlying shapes (squares, triangles, etc.) and repeated color.
  • Focus (or Emphasis): The viewer's eye ultimately wants to rest on the "most important" thing or focal point in the painting, otherwise the eye feels lost, wandering around in space. 
  • Contrast: Paintings with high contrast—strong differences between light and dark, for example—have a different feel than paintings with minimal contrast in light and dark, such as in Whistler Nocturne series. In addition to light and dark, contrast can be differences in shape, color, size, texture, type of line, etc. 
  • Pattern: A regular repetition of lines, shapes, colors, or values in a composition.
  • Proportion: How things fit together and relate to each other in terms of size and scale; whether big or small, nearby or distant.

The elements of composition are not the same as the elements of art, though composition is sometimes included as one of the latter.

Updated by Lisa Marder 7/20/16

Watch Now: A Guide To Learning About The Rules Of Composition

What is the feeling that everything in the work of artworks together and looks like fits?

Regular repetition of, or alternation in elements to create cohesiveness and interest. Visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design; It is the feeling that everything in the work of Art works together and looks like it fits.

Which element of art is used to describe how something feels or looks?

Texture - element of art that refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel.

What are the elements that artist put together to create a work of art?

The elements of art are the building blocks of an artwork: color, line, shape, form, value, texture, and space. They are the tools artists use when creating an artwork. The principles of design are how those building blocks are arranged: contrast, rhythm, proportion, balance, unity, emphasis, movement, and variety.

Which element of art is best feeling mood?

Color is the visual element that has the strongest effect on our emotions. It is the element we use to create the mood or atmosphere of an artwork.


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