What does it mean to say that strategy and structure have a reciprocal relationship?


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I would like to say hello to you students. There is a question about the concept of business level strategy and how it differs from corporate strategy. Okay, let's start. We can say that the primary difference between business and business is okay and here we can write business and corporate strategy. Is there there? Yes, it was. Okay, let's start. We can make money here. A business plan is a plan for a business that is concerned with weather and competing in the marketplace. In the marketplace, our incorporate strategy is concerned with the increasing revenue, the venue and the profits, whereas a corporate strategy is concerned with the increasing revenue, the venue and the profits. It is all about the last answer. Thank you for taking the time to thank me.


Esther Ejim

Last Modified Date: October 30, 2022

Esther Ejim Last Modified Date: October 30, 2022

Organizational structure and strategy are related because organizational strategy helps a company define and build its organizational structure. A company's organizational structure is based on the result of the analysis of organizational strategy. The company will use these results to determine its areas of concentration and how to position itself in order to succeed.

One of the first steps a company takes in its initial stages is assessing its operational environment in order to determine the conditions in which it must operate. This involves checking out the competition, consumer trends, culture and other factors. The company will find out the strengths and weaknesses of its competition, the buying habits of the consumers, and its economic capabilities. If the competition sells their own product for $10 US Dollars (USD), the company would have to work out if the best strategy is to sell its own product above or beyond that price. Selling its own product at a discount is a strategy that might appeal to a certain demographic. On the contrary, selling the same product above the price of the competition is also a strategy that might confer exclusivity and appeal to a certain demographic.

Organizational strategy helps a company define and build its organizational structure.

A company will also find out what kind market exists in its environment by researching the people in that environment. If the majority of the people are highly educated with greater spending power, making a product exclusive might appeal to them. If the majority of customers belong to the lower income bracket, selling a product at a discount will work better. Other organizational strategy might include outsourcing some of the jobs to minimize costs. It may also include locating the manufacturing plant in countries with cheap labor to enable the company to offer its products at a competitive price.

The relationship between organizational structure and strategy becomes clearer when the company’s strategy is in place. With a clear focus of what it wants to achieve, the organization will proceed to align its structure in such a manner to best achieve this. It will allocate responsibilities for optimal results, create branches, and decide whether individual efforts or group participation is the best method for it to achieve its goals. The organizational structure and strategy will also help the company decide if the tone of the company should be strictly formal, semi-formal or informal. All of these decisions can be made after determining the organizational strategy of the company.

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Strategy and structure have a reciprocal relationship: Structure flows from or follows the selection of the firm's strategy but ... Once in place, structure can influence current strategic actions as well as choices about future strategies. A firm's growth patterns determine its structural form.

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You can create the most efficient, team oriented, synergistic structure possible and still end up in the same place you are or worse if a good strategy is not adopted. Organizational structure and strategy are related because organizational strategy helps a company define and build its organizational structure.

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