What do you think are the most important demographic trends that marketers need to be aware of in the near future?

Marketers rely on demographics to determine the direction of their strategies. Understanding the ethnic, financial, and lifestyle aspects of the current and future population is how marketers develop their messages, so any shifts in these demographics can have an enormous effect on their efforts. According to Pew Research Center, both the look and the lifestyles of the population are undergoing a radical change. To help marketers get in tune with the demographic trends of our times, Pew Researchshared five ways the world is expected to evolve.

1. Americans are More Demographically Diverse Than Ever
Today, Americans are more ethnically and racially diverse than they have been in history and this trend is expected to continue for many decades. Research shows that by 2055, there won’t be any one specific ethnic or racial majority in the US. Immigration has been responsible for this demographic divergence, and Asians are the only ethnic group whose numbers are increasing over previous years and they’re expected to surpass Hispanics to become the largest immigrant category.

2. Millennials are the Key Age of the Future
Marketers should keep their eyes on this generation of young adults born after 1980 since they’re on the verge of becoming America’s largest generation, even surpassing the long-dominant Baby Boomers. Yet they’re different from this older generation in a number of important ways, including:

  • Most racially diverse generation in US history, with 43% being non-white.
  • Expected to become the most-educated generation.
  • Highest student debt, due to increased education expenses.
  • Many live at home, due to debt and weak labor market.
  • Despite problems, they’re the most optimistic generation about their financial futures.

3. The World is Getting Older
The world’s demographic future looks very different from its present and past. From 1950 to 2010, the US population doubled, while the world’s population almost tripled. Yet this growth is expected to slow substantially between the years of  2010 and 2050, and to strongly skew toward the oldest demographic groups.

4. A New American Family Dynamic
The traditional family unit of the 20th century looks completely different today. And these differences are expected to grow greater in the coming years. The main demographic distinctions from the past include:

  • The share of American adults who have never been married has reached an historic high.
  • Divorce, remarriage, and cohabitation are increasing in the US.
  • Number of two-parent US households is declining.
  • Around 15% of American kids are living in blended families.
  • The roles of mothers and fathers are blending, due in part to there being more breadwinner moms.
  • Mothers are doing more paid work outside of the home.
  • Fathers are responsible for more childcare and housework.

5. America’s Middle Class is Diminishing
Last year, the percentage of US adults in middle-income households dropped to 50%. This was a striking shift after more than 40 years of the middle class being the economic majority in the U.S. In addition, there’s a much wider financial gap between middle-class and upper-income Americans today. Research shows that 49% of US households are in upper-income brackets and possess seven times the wealth of middle-income households.

The world is changing in many ways that are impacting our population. Marketers must understand these demographic distinctions and use them as a guide to make the most of their marketing.

Keep up with the latest trends in marketing. Contact MDG Advertising.

MDG Advertising, a full-service advertising agency with offices in Boca Raton and New York, NY, is one of Florida’s top branding firms. MDG’s capabilities include print advertising, direct mail marketing, branding, logo design, creative, media buying and planning, radio and TV advertising, outdoor, newspaper, digital marketing, website design and development, online video advertising, infographic development, email marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, paid search marketing, and SEO. To learn about the latest trends in advertising and branding, contact MDG Advertising.

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What are some important population trends that marketers should consider?

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What are the trends of demography?

Demography is the study of the growth, structure, and movement of human populations. It focuses on enumerations (censuses), which take stock of a population at a moment in time, and also flows of vital events—births, deaths, marriages, and migratory movements.

What is the importance of demographic trends?

Demographic change can influence the underlying growth rate of the economy, structural productivity growth, living standards, savings rates, consumption, and investment; it can influence the long-run unemployment rate and equilibrium interest rate, housing market trends, and the demand for financial assets.

Why are demographics important in marketing?

Why Is Demographic Data Important? Demographic data has revolutionized marketing because of its ability to provide insight into who your customers are. Not only that, but it also enables businesses to find the people who possess the attributes of their ideal customers.


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