What distinguished the British settler colonies of North America from their counterparts in Latin America quizlet?

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1.In North America, there was less racial mixing and less willingness to recognize the offspring of such unions and accord them a place in society.
2.Slavery in North America was different, being perhaps less harsh there than in the sugar colonies.
3.By 1750, slaves in the United States had become self-reproducing, and a century later almost all North American slaves had been born in the New World. That was never the case in Brazil and the Caribbean.
4.Many more slaves were voluntarily set free by their owners in Brazil than was ever the case in North America,
5.In North America, any African ancestry, no matter how small or distant, made a person "black"; not in Brazil, Moreover, color was only one criterion of class status in Brazil, and the perception of color changed with the educational or economic standing of individuals.

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The British settler colonies of North America were quite different from their counterparts in Latin America. For example, The British settler colonies wanted to recreate the old European society and get rid of the old aspects. The British had a tradition of self-government and opposed royal governors.

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What enabled Europeans to carve out huge empires an ocean away from their homelands? 1. Europeans were much closer to the Americas than were their potential Asian competitors.


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