What developmental findings does the nurse expect to observe in a 5-year-old child Quizlet


Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder affecting the connective tissues of the body. Abnormalities are mainly seen in the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and ocular systems. Clients with Marfan syndrome are very TALL AND THIN, with disproportionately long arms, legs, and fingers

Cardiovascular manifestations of Marfan syndrome include abnormalities of the aorta and cardiac valves, including aneurysms, tears (dissection), and leaky heart valves that may requires replacement or repair. Therefore, competitive or contact sports are discouraged due to the risk of cardiac injury and sudden death

Option 2:
The client may also experience crowding of the teeth from a very high-arched palate. Preventative antibiotics prior to dental work may be needed to provide prophylaxis against infective endocarditis, especially in clients with an artificial valve replacement. However, this is not a priority

Option 3:
These clients have an increased risk for scoliosis. But this is not a priority

Option 4:
Ocular problems (lens dislocation [ectopia lentis], retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma) can be common for this child with Marfan Syndrome. Annual eye exams are important to monitor for developing issues


Shaken baby syndrome is a type of abusive head injury and is defined as severe physical child abuse resulting from violet shaking of an infant by the arms, legs, or shoulders. The impact of the shaking causes bleeding within the brain or the eyes

It is not uncommon for the diagnosis of SBS to be missed as the clinical findings are often vague and nonspecific- vomiting, irritability, lethargy, inability to suck or eat, seizures, and inconsolable crying.

Usually there are no external signs of trauma except for occasional small bruises on the chest or upper arms where the child was held during the shaking episode

The most common reasons that caregivers seek medical attention for children with SBS are breathing difficulty, apnea, seizures, and lifelessness


Fetal alcohol syndrome is a leading cause of INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY AND DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY. Diagnosis includes history of prenatal exposure to any amount of alcohol, GROWTH DEFICIENCY, neurological symptoms (microcephaly), or specific facial characteristics (indistinct philtrum, thin upper lip, epicanthal folds, flat midface, and short palpebral fissures)

Option 1:
Advanced maternal age has been associated with a higher incidence of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Characteristic features include a single palmar crease and a short neck with excessive skin (nuchal fold)

Option 2:
Cigarette smoking is linked to perinatal loss, sudden infant death syndrome, low birth weight, and prematurity.

Option 4:
Valproate (Depakote), a medication used to control seizures. This can cause neural tube defects such as spina bifida

1, 2, 3, 4

For the preschool-age child (3-5 years), developing a sense of initiative (start and accomplish tasks, learn new things) is a primary psychosocial need, and cognitive development is marked by preoperational thinking (egocentrism, poor causality, continuing language development)

During preprocedural education, the nurse should:
-Promote a sense of security and reduce fear by allowing the parents to stay with the child during the procedure
-Address misconceptions related to preoperational thinking (state that the procedure is not punishment for misbehavior)
-Foster initiative by encouraging the child to ask questions, voice concerns, and participate during dressing changes
-Enhance the child's learning ability and confirm the child's understanding of the procedure by allowing the child to imitate the procedure using a doll or toy equipment


Preschoolers enjoy play that enables them to imitate others and be dramatic. They have rich imaginations and enjoy make-believe. Their play often centers on IMITATING ADULT BEHAVIORS by playing dress up and using housekeeping toys, telephones, medical kits, dolls and puppets. Quiet play appropriate for the preschooler includes finger paints, crayons, illustrated books, puzzles with large pieces, and clay. Through playing with objects such as dolls or puppets, preschoolers can often process fears and anxieties that are difficult for them to express.

Option 1:
Board games are appropriate for children of school age, when play becomes more complex and competitive

Option 3:
Soap bubbles are appropriate for toddlers, who learn from tactile play and environmental exploration

Option 4:
Stacking and nesting toys are appropriate for toddlers who are developing fine motor skills


FTT is generally defined as weight less than 80% of ideal for age and/or depressed weight for length, correcting for gestational age, sex, and special medical conditions. The underlying cause of FTT is inadequate dietary intake; contributing factors include a disturbance in feeding behavior and psychosocial factors

OBSERVING THE CHILD FEEDING or when hungry will provide the nurse the opportunity to identify potential factors contributing to insufficient intake. The nurse can observe the type of food being offered, the quantity of food consumed, how the child is held or positioned while being fed, the amount of time for feeding, the parent's response to the child's cues, the tone of feeding, and the interaction between the child and the parent

Option 3:
This is an appropriate nursing action, but it provides no information about the factors contributing to the child's insufficient intake

1, 3, 5

Hearing impairment in children may be related to family history, an infection, use of certain medications, or a congenital disorder. Toddlers with hearing deficits may appear shy, timid, or withdrawn, often avoiding social interaction. They may seem extremely inattentive when given directions and appear "dreamy." Speech is usually monotone, difficult to understand, and loud. Increased use of gestures and facial expressions is also common

Option 2:
Children typically begin to use well-formed syllables such as "mama" and "dada" by approximately age 7 months. A referral from a hearing test should be made if there is an absence of well-formed syllables by age 11 months or intelligible speech is not present by 24 months

Which developmental changes are observed in a 5

Which developmental changes are observed in a 5-month-old infant? Birth weight has doubled. The rooting reflex is present. There are signs of tooth eruption.

What developmental milestone does the nurse expect to see in a 4

Gross motor behaviors the nurse would expect for a 4-year-old client include skipping, catching a ball, and hopping on one foot. Skating and jumping rope are expected for a 5-, not 4-year-old client. Which statement about language development in preschoolers is correct?

Which developmental milestone would a nurse expect when assessing a preschooler?

Which would the nurse anticipate when assessing a preschool-age child, according to Erikson's developmental stages? The nurse would anticipate that a preschool-age child would have highly imaginative thoughts, according to Erikson.

Which immunizations would the nurse expect a 5

Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis) (DTaP) (3rd dose) Haemophilus influenzae type b disease (Hib) (3rd dose) Polio (IPV) (3rd dose) Pneumococcal disease (PCV) (3rd dose)


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