The main output of the identifying stakeholders process is the project charter

Ready to create your own project charter? Here are a few other helpful tips to keep in mind as you work through the above steps. 

1. Rely on insights from your team: Don’t feel like you need to work out all this information on your own. Pull together some of your project team members to pick their brains about goals, milestones, and potential problem areas. Gathering their insights will help you create a far more accurate project charter. 

2. Keep it short and straightforward: It’s tempting to get lost in the amount of information available. But, keep in mind that your project charter is supposed to be a high-level overview of your project and not a breakdown that covers every detail. Each section of your charter should only require a sentence or two. Additionally, charts and bulleted lists will help you present the information in an organized and digestible way. 

3. Create a template: After you realize how helpful a project charter is, you’ll undoubtedly want one for all your team’s projects. Don’t waste time reinventing the wheel. Create a simple template that you can copy and use for all your project charters. Not only will it eliminate some manual effort, but it will also ensure you don’t miss any elements.   

Posted on October 13, 2018 by Jerome Rowley

In the same way that the initial Risk Management planning process creates the risk register, which is then modified throughout the remaining processes in that knowledge area, the initial Stakeholder Management process creates the stakeholder register, which is then modified throughout the remaining processes in the Stakeholder Management knowledge area.

The other outputs are updates to the project management plan and project documents.

13.1.3  Identify Stakeholders:  Outputs\  Stakeholder Register

This document contains the following information about identified stakeholders:

  • Identification information–name, organization position, location and contact details, and role on the project.
  • Assessment information–major requirements, expectations, potential for influencing project outcomes, and the phase of the project life cycle where the stakeholder has the most influence or impact.
  • Stakeholder classification–Internal/external, impact/influence (or power/interest), upward/downward/outward/sideward influence, or any other classification model chosen by the project manager.  Change Requests

The initial iteration of identifying stakeholders will not generate change requests.  However, as stakeholder identification continues throughout the project, new stakeholders or new information about the stakeholders may result in a change request.  Project Management Plan Updates

Of course, the main component that will be updated is

  • Stakeholder management plan–agreed-upon communication strategies for identified stakeholders are recorded in the stakeholder engagement plan.

Additional components of the overall project management plan that may be updated may include the following:

  • Requirements management plan–newly identified stakeholders can impact how requirement activities will be planned, tracked, and reported.
  • Communications management plan–stakeholder communication requirements and agreed-upon communications strategies are recorded in the communications management plan.
  • Risk management plan–if stakeholder communication requirements and agreed-upon communications strategies affect the approach to managing risk on the project, this is reflected in the risk management plan. Project Documents Updates

  • Assumption log–much of the information about the relative power, interest, and engagement level of stakeholders is based on assumptions, which are entered into the assumption log.   Any constraints associated with interacting with specific stakeholders are entered as well.
  • Issue log–new issues raised as a result of identifying stakeholders are recorded in the issue log.
  • Risk register–New risks identified during this process of identifying stakeholders are recorded in the risk register and managed during the risk management process.

This process is actually in the initiating process group, which consists of only two processes:  this one and 4.1 Develop Project Charter.   The fact that identifying stakeholders happens even BEFORE proper planning on the project begins tells you how vital PMI thinks the process is for the success of the project.

Now let’s move to the planning process group, which will create as a result the Stakeholder Management Plan, namely, process 13.2 Plan Stakeholder Engagement.  The inputs to that process are contained in the next post.

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What is the main output of the identifying stakeholders process?

The Identify Stakeholder process has a single output which is the creation of a stakeholder register. The stakeholder register is the basis for planning, managing and controlling project stakeholders which will be an ongoing project responsibility.

What is the main output of stakeholder management?

Outputs of Identifying Stakeholders: Stakeholder requirements. Key expectations, major requirements, involvement in the project etc. Stakeholder Classification.

Does the project charter identify stakeholders?

An important function of a project charter is to document who are your team members and what their roles and responsibilities are. You should also identify the main stakeholders.

What is the main outcome of stakeholder analysis?

The goal of stakeholder analysis is to develop a strategic view of the human and institutional landscape, and the relationships between the different stakeholders and the issues they care about most.


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