Measuring different age groups of subjects repeatedly at different periods in time is called

  1. Social Science
  2. Psychology
  3. Developmental Psychology

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117. Which statement best describes the basic premise of the cross-sectional research design?
a. Assess different age groups (e.g., 5-, 10-, 15-year-olds) at the same time (e.g., during the same week)
b. Assess the same age group (e.g., only 5-year-olds) at the same time (e.g., during the same week)
c. Assess different age groups (e.g., 5-, 10-, 15-year-olds) at different times (e.g., 5-year-olds in 2003, 10-yearolds
in 2004, and 15-year-olds in 2005)
d. Assess the same group (e.g., 5-year-olds) at different times (e.g., first test when kids are 5, then when they
are 10, and finally when they turn 15)

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What is the type of research in which people of different ages are compared at the same point in time?

Cross sectional research is a study in which subjects of different ages are compared at the same time. It is often used in developmental psychology, but also utilized in many other areas including social science, education and other branches of science.

When subjects of different ages are all studied at one point in time a?

Cross-sectional research compares people of different ages with one another at the same point in time. In contrast, longitudinal research traces the behavior of one or more participants as the participants become older.

What are the four ways of measuring age?

Chronological age is not the only way of measuring age. Age has been conceptualized not just as chronological age but also as biological, psychological age and social age.

Who is the most often cited as the founder of developmental psychology?

Historical Antecedents. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John B. Watson are typically cited as providing the foundation for modern developmental psychology. In the mid-18th century, Jean Jacques Rousseau described three stages of development: infants (infancy), puer (childhood) and adolescence in Emile: Or, On Education.


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