In the decision-making process, the classical and behavioral models could be used to:

Identifying and taking action to resolve problems

The ability to gather and use information to solve problems is

When something is wrong or could go wrong it is called a

Information competency involves all of the following skills

a) locating appropriate data.
b) evaluating the data for information potential.
c) organizing the information.
d) analyzing the information for patterns to create knowledge.

Individuals who are proactive information gatherers and are forward thinking are said to be:

A situation that offers the possibility of a better future if the right steps are taken

Approaching a problem in a flexible, spontaneous and creative manner

A systematic thinker will

Be analytical in their approach

The three types of decision making environments are

A decision making environment in which you lack complete information and it is difficult if not impossible to assign probabilities to the outcomes is called a ______________ environment.

According to the text, the four cognitive styles of decision making are sensation thinkers, intuitive thinkers, sensation feelers, and

A decision making environment in which you have complete information on possible alternatives and their consequences is called a _________ environment

When faced with decision circumstances in which the information is incomplete, yet one can still reasonably estimate probabilities for the outcomes of various options, the environment is said to be:

A choice among possible alternative courses of action

Decision applies a solution from past experience to a routine problem

A decision applies a specific solution crafted for a unique problem

Joe, a HR manager, is tired of answering the same questions over and over again. He is having the information technology folks develop some auto response software to help reduce the number of times that he has to be personally involved. Joe has made a __________ decision to implement ____________ decision software.

The most significant factor that determines whether a decision is a programmed or nonprogrammed decision is

whether the number of people involved in the outcome

WHa to site first step in the decision making process?

Which of the following is not a common error in the first step of the decision making process?

A)Defining the problem too narrowly
B)Dealing with symptoms, not causes
C)Focusing on the wrong problem
***D)Spending too much time defining the problem

If the issue is a drop in the company's sales, the decision making mistake to be carefully avoided is:

A) keeping your focus broad enough
B)focusing on the right problem
C)keeping your focus narrow enough
***D) being sure you are looking at the problem and not the symptom

What this the second step of the decision making process

Generating alternative courses of action

Cost benefit analysis is used in what step in the decision making process?

Generating alternative courses of action

Comparing the costs and benefits of each potential course of action is called:

What is the third step in the decision making process?

Deciding on a course of action

The classical and behavioral models could be used in what step of the decision making process?

Deciding on a course of action

The_____ decision making model assumes rationality and complete information

A decision that attempts to select the absolute best alternative solution to a problem is called a _____ decision

Limits to human information processing capabilities are called_____ limitations

The _____ decision making model assumes incomplete information and bounded rationality.

A decision that chooses the first satisfactory alternative that is presented is called a_____ decision

The classical decision model attempts to provide a ______decision

The behavioral decision model attempts to provide a _____ decision

Senior managers are most likely to be using the _____ model in making decisions

What is the fourth step in the decision making process?

A lack of participation error occurs when______

Employees that have to implement the decision do. Not participate in the decision making process

The final step in the decision making process is

Evaluate the results of your implemented decision

One factor hat should be considered in all steps of the decision making process is

The generation of a novel idea or approach that solves a problem or identifies an opportunity is called

A group-based decision would be called in for in all of the following cases except if

The problem needs a quick solution

Which of the following is an assumption of the classical model of decision making?

The classical model prescribes the best way to make decisions, based on four assumptions: a clearly defined problem, eliminated uncertainty, access to full information, and rational behavior of the decision-maker.

Which of the following refers to the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively?

Self-management (self-leadership) refers to the ability to manage one's emotions and behavior. Social awareness refers to one's ability to read body language and social cues to develop positive relationships both professionally and personally.

Which of the following would a middle manager report to?

Middle managers are in the center of the management hierarchy: they report to top management and oversee the activities of first-line managers. They're responsible for developing and implementing activities and allocating the resources needed to achieve the objectives set by top management.


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