In a ____, personnel often report to both a functional manager and one or more project managers.

In a ____, personnel often report to both a functional manager and one or more project managers.

In a ____, personnel often report to both a functional manager and one or more project managers.

a. project organizational structure
b. system organizational structure
c. matrix organizational structure
d. functional organizational structure

Answer: C

Learn More :

In what type of organizational structure do project managers have the most authority a functional B project C matrix D circular?

Project managers have the most authority in a pure project organizational structure and the least amount of authority in a pure functional organizational structure.

In what type of organizational structure do project managers have the most authority?

In a functional organization, project managers have more authority than they do in a matrix organization. More people work full time on projects in a functional organization than a matrix organization.

In what type of organizational structure do project managers have the least amount of authority quizlet?

Project managers have the least amount of authority in a functional organization, they have some authority in a balanced matrix, and, a little more authority in a strong matrix, but not as much authority as they have in a project-based organization.

In which organizational form does the project manager often have the least amount of authority?

Of the three primary organizational structures -- functional, project management-focused and matrix -- project managers have the least amount of authority and influence in a matrix organization.


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