How much do female social workers earn with respect to every dollar earned by a male social worker?



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  1. Social Science
  2. Sociology
  3. Gender Studies

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Terms in this set (46)

The Centers for Disease Control estimate that about - percent of women have been the victims of rape or attempted rape. This rate applies to women -. The CDC estimates that about - percent of men have experienced sexual assault by age 18, often at the hands of a relative or acquaintance.

20, everywhere, 16

The English-language term two-spirit used by many Native American groups refers to what?

person of integrated genders

Identify which professions would be considered "glass escalator" professions for men.

-social worker

Feminists disagree with the notion that biology "wires" men and women for certain social roles. What is the basis of this feminist view?

much of human activity is the result of socialization

When we speak of someone being a "non-cis" individual, what we are referring to?

a mismatch between their gender and their sex assigned at birth

Which trend is displayed by this figure?

gender differences in pay are trending toward equity

Which strategy do Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn advocate as a first essential step toward addressing general inequality as a whole, on a global level?

financial empowerment of women

According to the textbook, what was the approximate percentage of unmarried mothers with children under 18 in the paid workforce in 2013?


Schools help to perpetuate gender differences in both outlook and behavior. Match the observed behavior of teachers in the classroom as it applies to either boys or girls.

what sociologist observed happening to boy
-get more help working out the correct answers
-interact a lot more with their teache

what sociologist observed happening to girls
-not engaged in discussions during a math class
-given the correct answers more often

In general, women earn about 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. How much do female social workers earn, with respect to every dollar earned by a male social worker?

91 cents

The discovery that more than 90 percent of - majors in college were men and over 90 percent of - majors were women reflects the cultural belief that men are - and women are -.

engineering, nursing, rational and logical, nurturing and caring

Sex segregation refers to the separation and concentration of genders in which social institution?

the workplace

Anita Hill's 1991 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee during the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas's 1991 nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court has had what lasting influence?

more recognition of sexual harassment and willingness to report

Match the sociological research question with the corresponding concept.

gender role- How do little girls learn that pink is a "girl color"?

intersectionality- How are body size norms different for women in South America, Africa, and North America?

The occupation of clerk or office worker is a good demonstration of what sociologists call "occupational segregation." Place the steps illustrating this particular evolution in order from first to last.

1. male clerks held responsible
2. as the typewriter and other forms of mechanization
3. female clerks increasingly performed routine tasks
4. pay and prestige of the female clerk

Which of the following describes Sarah Thebaud's research finding regarding barriers to women's entrepreneurship?

funders may view women's proposals as less competent than men's

What is one employment area in which both men and women are disadvantaged in pay?

predominantly female occupations

Men and women tend to be concentrated in different occupations according to gender. Place the gender on the occupation in which it is the majority.

men: machinist, truck driver, pilot
women: secretary, nurses, dental hygienist

According to your text's definition, identify these people as transgender or not.

-A biological male lives in society as a woman.
-A biological female uses medical assistance to physically transition to living as a man.

Differences between males and females are always determined by biology.


Identify the following parent behaviors as fitting with Talcott Parson's categories of expressive roles or instrumental roles.

-keeping track of upcoming medical appointments for all members of the household
-disciplining a child in the midst of a tantrum

-working on a graduate degree in order to pursue a raise at work
-being employed as an accountant

A researcher wants to try "doing gender" as a way to investigate the social construction of gender. Which of the following might allow a researcher who was assigned male at birth and identifies as a man to "do gender" as a woman in U.S. society?

-learn body language of women
-use a higher vocal register
-get a manicure with painted nails

According to - feminist thought, certain types of femininity are seen as the result of - controlled and produced by men.

radical, conceptions of beauty and sexuality

Identify the following as a characteristic of either gender or sex.

gender: aggression & macho attitude

sex: menstruation & chromosomes

The human capital theory suggests that we invest in our own "human capital"—education, training, and how long we commit to a job—to increase productivity and earnings. Accordingly, men choose careers that dovetail with their human capital, as do women.
What strand of sociological theory would this argument support?


In -, new parents—both mothers and fathers—receive - days of paid parental leave. - is the only industrialized country without federally mandated paid parental leave.

Sweden, 480, USA

There are many forms of masculinity in society. Why do sociologists label one type of masculinity "hegemonic"?

hegemonic masculinity is dominant, and there are negative sanctions for those who do not live by these norms

Most rapes are committed by close relatives, intimate partners, or acquaintances.


What do the bacha posh in Afghanistan help sociologists better understand about gender?

how gender in various societies is socially constructed

Today, women account for about half of the workforce, a significant increase since 1950.


According to the World Health Organization, approximately what percentage of women around the world have suffered from abuse by an intimate partner?

33 percent

A newly married wife can expect to do an additional seven hours of housework per week as a result of having a husband.


Identify the scenario that would be classified by a U.S. court as quid pro quo sexual harassment.

a supervisor demands sexual acts from a worker in exchange for a promotion

Identify the following statements as fitting Susan Brownmiller's description of "rape culture," or not.

-male socialization to a sense of sexual entitlement
-a state of widespread and continual fear in women

How does evidence about aggression and testosterone in males contradict the idea that biology alone defines the difference between male and female?

aggression behavior may increase testosterone levels

Emma Sulkowicz, a student at Columbia University, carried a mattress around campus as an expression of support for the rights of domestic workers.


Identify which of the following statements demonstrate a biological essentialist view.

biological essentialism
-Testosterone makes men aggressive, and sometimes violent.
-Because they carry babies in the womb, women should be primary caregivers of infants.

social construction
-When women speak their minds, others often mistake them as angry or pushy.
-Ideal masculinity may be emotional or unemotional, depending on the culture.

Social scientists have determined that there are two genders.


Kelley Voelker sued Deutsche Bank for sex discrimination in 2003. Which of these possible motivations for illegally demoting Voelker is supported by a functionalist perspective on gender?

she was starting a family

Intersectionality is a perspective that highlights how men and women intersect with one another in everyday life.


What do sociologists mean by the term "second shift"?

this term refers to women who work a paid job and also handle housework and childcare duties

bell hooks argues that in naming the family as a core part of patriarchy, sociologists are overlooking what crucial idea?

oppression of black women may be found in a different location

According to John Bowlby's attachment theory, which variable leaves a child at greatest risk of social and psychological difficulties later in life?

absence of a mother

Match each term with the correct theoretical perspective.

black feminism- White, privileged, U.S. feminism does not account for the experiences of women of other races.

postmodern- There is no single social group called "woman"; all categories must be interrogated and deconstructed

liberal- Political reform is the best way to work toward gender equity.

radical- The family is one of the primary social institutions that perpetuates patriarchy and oppression of women

According to functionalist thinking, which of the listed traits are representative of the "expressive" female?


The parent who scolds a young boy for playing with dolls (along with two girls) is giving a negative sanction for -, while the other parent who praises the boy for winning a computer game is providing a -.

violating gender roles, positive sanction

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