How might teachers use technology to support personalized learning with technology Quizlet

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Terms in this set (179)

Which of the following are actions are teachers are NOT likely to take to plan for effective classroom discussions according to Ertmer & Stepich (2002)?

Identify the correct responses

Reflection is an important part of metacognition, and is represented by which part of the GAME Plan?


Which of the following is NOT a common element of collaboration, as described by Lai et al. (2017)?

Integrating collaborative technologies

What is social loafing?

Students don't contribute to group work

One of the most effective methods for promoting students' deep understanding of subject matter content is to ______________.

Engaging - engage them in authentic activities

By being a good listener, suspending judgment, asking students to expand on ideas, and looking for opportunities to model, challenge and reinforce discussion topics, you are supporting which discussion phase?

Keeping the discussion focused and moving forward

Which of the following is NOT likely to help students "make thinking visible" as suggested by Ritchhart, Church, and Morrison (2011)?

Holding on to their own viewpoints and perspectives

Classroom discussions are important for establishing a student-centered classroom. Which of the following methods can facilitate productive discussions?

Probing questions

Which of the following has been found to influence how students behave and communicate within a group, making group work more equitable and productive?

Assigning roles

In order to foster "a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings," as recommended by ISTE, teachers can _________.

Establish a culture of thinking

Johnson and Johnson (1991) identified that positive interdependence, individual accountability and responsibility, and a consideration of the group process can help promote ___________.

Effective effective cooperative learning

Directly reinforcing students' learning goals using "rules of thumb" is one way to ___________.

Aid with student concept integration

When during a class discussion, after a student criticized one of the stakeholders in a case study, the teacher disagreed with the comment and then pushed the student to propose a specific strategy to address the case issue, the teacher is engaging in which discussion strategy?


If an online discussion develops into many simultaneous threads, it may be useful to refocus the group with which of the following strategies?

Posting something like, "We have several areas of discussion developing here. Perhaps it would be useful to take them one at a time."

Effective group work requires the support of a culture of _____.


You can prepare students to be good discussion participants by ________.

Making participation guidelines clear

What is metacognition?

Ability to think about our own thinking

How might a facilitator address the situation of a string of "off topic" social messages in an online discussion area?

Suggest students move the conversation to a different forum

What are quasi-experimental studies?

studies where randomization is not possible

A subset of the professional development portfolio

assessment and employment portfolios

Which answer is not correct for information included in technology opinion pieces?

software implementation guidelines

What does SDL stand for?

self-directed learning

Monitoring progress is the ______ step of the GAME plan


What group has developed student technology profiles with specific examples required by


What model is introduced as a method of structuring learning both for the teacher and students?

GAME plan

What occurs during the monitoring process?

reflection IN action and reflection ON action

Which of the processes mentioned is NOT one of the three key processes of metacognitive learning


What type of portfolio showcases achievement in relation to a desired position or profession?

employment portfolio

Learners who "think about their thinking" and apply strategies

metacognitive learners

Which of the following is NOT given as one of the categories of educational portfolio use?

document compliance with teachers union

What answer is NOT correct for a lifelong learner?

Learning is directed by others.

Choose the answer that LEAST pertains to supporting learning

When teachers set goals for students' learning

What is an organized collection of artifacts complied?


One of the systematic forms of reflective practice is referred to by three names. Choose the answers that is NOT one of the names

lesson reflection

Who writes about the benefit of reflection both "in action" and "on action?"

Schon (1983)

As computers moved from cumbersome DOS-based systems to easier graphic-based...

third phase: the computer is a communication device

Which of the following was coordinated by the National Government

common core state standards initiative

What term was a focus of the second United States National Educational Technology Plan (US Dept of Education, 2000)?

information literacy

What report, published in 1983, influenced the modern standards movement

A Nation at Risk

The printing press is associated with which technological era


What does integrate it mean to integrate

to personalize learning for students
to combine two or more things to make whole

What is the third phase of the standards that accompanied the 2008 ISTE standards for teachers

proficient stage

What makes standards different from other types of quality expectations?

compliance and consequences

"Best practice" is achieved when technology is used to support what type of curriculum

Authentic learner-driven curriculum

Based on ISTE's definition, experiences in which teachers and students work together to address the requirements of the curriculums taking into individual student needs interests and preferences are known as which of the following

New learning experiences

In what phase would students collaborate and communicated with their teachers, other students, and experts to select and use technology tools that align with learning preferences, styles, and content requirements in order to address real-world, complex problems with multiple answers or solutions?

transformative stage

What does NETP stand for?

National Educational Technology Plan

Who published the standards for education in 2017?

International Society for Technology in Education

Which of the following describes the educational emphasis...

emphasis is placed on information literacy

The three types of knowledge required for effective teaching in the 21st century do NOT include

Intersectional knowledge

When technology becomes an integral part of the teaching and learning process, this is referred to as

technological integration

What statement is true of technology and teaching?

Technology provides a tool for solving instructional problems.

What is ARPANET?

an early computer network that initially linked scientists

This hallmark of deep thinkers occurs when they are able to use new knowledge in different situations


What does DOK refer to?

depth of knowledge

A type of convergent thinking that determines the validity or value of something is referred to as

analytic thinking

the ability to explain what resulted and why is called


Which of the following does not describe a component of authentic instruction

authentic instruction is holographic

what is the term for the type of question that anchors the curriculum in many authentic approaches

a driving question

which of the following provide simplified versions of phenomena, environments, or processes that allow students to interact with, or manipulate, variables and observe the effects of those manipulations


authentic instruction is based on what type of learning

active, experiential

which of the following can include behaviors, dispositions, and skills related to communication, collaboration...

content standards

What are Anderson and Krathwohl known for?

publishing a revised version of Bloom's taxonomy, 2001

If you want to provide a lifelike context in which you manipulate objects and observe the effects of your actions on other objects in the environment...


Which is NOT true of scaffolds?

They serve the same function irrespective of where they are used in the instructional process

Which of the following is not a characteristic of authentic intellectual work as described by Fred Newmann and his colleaugues

emphasizes factual recall

Which of the following is NOT true of animations?

animations are often more complex than simulations

What concept is used to match student ability with the level of reading material


Which of the following are technology-based tutorials least able to do?

monitor social and emotional learning

With the prevalence of technology today, what skill is being stressed in education and business?

facilitating deep learning

A type of divergent thinking that aims to produce something that is original and of value is called

Innovation/creative thinking

Which of the following might you avoid when teaching online or blended learning?

Friending students on social media to get to know more about them.

What is blended learning?

When instruction is delivered partially online and partially in person.

What might students find in a resource guide?

A list of materials and digital resources applicable to the lesson

What process is suggested as a means of organizing the lesson and unit planning process?

the GAME plan

What does OER stand for?

Open Educational Resources

If you want to create your own streaming media resources for your students, which of the following suggestions are you NOT going to follow?

Record your entire 50-minute lecture so students get everything

What do technical guidelines provide?

Step-by-step instructions for using technology

What does LMS stand for?

Learning Management System
Learning Management Service

In the planning stage, after becoming familiar with the resources you plan to use with students, what is the next step?

Analyze your learners in relation to the skills you want them to acquire

An LMS, class website, blogging software, and streaming media sites are all likely to support which of the following digital resources to support your teaching?

Online Presentations

What type of media might you use if you wanted to capture information on a computer monitor, tablet, or whiteboard?

Screencasting Software

Which of the following does NOT fit under the broad umbrella of lesson planning?

Attendance records

What is the benefit of an exemplar?

Further clarifies expectations by providing models of acceptable performance

When teachers set up stations for student activities around the classroom, some of which require students to access online resources, the teacher is said to be using one type of what kind of blended learning model?

Rotation Model

The "pod" in podcast refers to

play on demand

When you are selecting sections of a tutorial that match your objectives and identifying necessary prerequisite skills, you are likely in which aspect of a lesson?

Planning before instruction

Which of the following strategies are helpful for preparing technology prior to use during a lesson?

Using a technology resource so that students don't have to type in URLs or search for resources

When finding new apps to use in your classroom, which of the following questions are is NOT recommended?

Have I used it before?

Which of the following is an inaccurate depiction of what creating a concept map involves?

Labeling the nature of the relationships among people in the output of each student who creates one

What strategyies might students engage in during the ideate phase of the design-thinking process?


Which of the following questions might you ask to determine how well a student understands the computational thinking skill of algorithmic thinking?

Can the student create a set of steps to solve a problem?

According to Goldman and Kabayadondo (2017), "a method of problem solving that relies on a complex set of skills, processes, and mindsets that help people generate novel solutions to problems" best describes _________...

Design thinking

Which of the following best describes complex problems more than academic exercises?

May have multiple correct answers, but with some solutions that are better than others

Which of the following dispositions or attitudes skills are NOT dispositions or attitudes that are essential dimensions of computational thinking?

Finding the right answer to a math problem

What movement embodies the principles of authentic inquiry/problem solving; value beyond school/lab; and prototyping, testing, and revising products?

The maker movement

Why would students develop a prototype during the design-thinking process?

To illustrate the actual experience of the potential solution in a low-fidelity form that can be easily modified

Which of the following is a step in Bransford and Stein's (1984) IDEAL problem-solving method?

Explore alternative solutions

What questions might students REFRAIN refrain from asking themselves when breaking down a complex problem into component parts?

What is the answer to the problem?

Which of the following are practices and perspectives one would likely NOT use in incorporating computational thinking activities?

Rewarding the first solution to a coding problem

Which of the following is NOT a way that educational games can support learning?

Testing players for high scores and pitting the best players against each other

Which of the following applications might be considered tutorials because they present new information, allow practice, and give feedback?

Educational games

Intelligent tutoring systems are an example of what kind of software that can be used to acquire foundational knowledge?

Tutorial software

Data grids, tables, diagrams, flowcharts, storyboards, and Venn diagrams are all examples of ___________.

Graphic graphic organizers

What does a visualization tool do?

Allows learners to picture, or represent, how various phenomena operate within different domains

A type of analytical thinking that professionals often use to solve complex problems relying on the power of computing devices for rapidly collecting, analyzing, and reporting all kinds of information is referred to as ____________.

Computational computational thinking

What is NOT true of word clouds?

It is also called a Venn diagram

Which type of rubric does not break elements down into separate rating scales per category?

Holistic rubric

What type of assessment is characterized by multiple-choice, true/false, matching, and fill-in-the-blank question formats?


The name given to the type of feedback that helps students develop a better understanding of what is expected for performance, how their current understanding or skill levels compare to those expectations, and how they might improve their performances (Butler & Winne, 1995) is ___________.

cognitive cognitive feedback

Which of the following is usually NOT included in a rubric?

Yes-and-no responses

When a student receives feedback given to a student that their response is correct or not is called ___________.

Outcome outcome feedback

Which of the following is not included as one of the uses of assessments?

Measuring progress of students or schools over teachers in their careers.

Teachers can help organize and track student work samples through the use of ______.

teacher and student data notebooks

When selecting technologies to support summative assessments, which of these components is NOT critical?

The resources you have available in your computer lab.

Which of the following does not describe learning progressions?

A description of the standards and assessments students must master through instructional resources.

When you want students to demonstrate understanding of concepts and perform skills in assessment activities that replicate real-world performances as closely as possible, you'd most likely use ____________.

an authentic assessment

What would not be true of open-ended response formats?

More reliable than other testing.

Which of the following is NOT likely to be a benefit of digital grade reporting?

Serving as a back-up to paper-based lesson plan books, progress reports, and report cards.

How does assessment support learning?

When it shows criteria and models in advance.

Strategies "aligned to the short-term sub-goals, which are the focus of the lesson, and data from them that provide teachers with a steady stream of information to keep learning moving forward" are referred to as ________.

formative assessment strategies

Mind-mapping is another name for __________.:

concept mapping

Performance tasks are well suited to which type of instruction?

Authentic intellectual work

What are summative assessments used for?

To determine how well students have mastered learning goals at the end of instruction.

If you wanted a simple way to score the observation or demonstration of a skill by students, you would probably want to incorporate __________.

a checklist

What makes collaboration unique as compared to communication or cooperation?

In a truly collaborative relationship, all parties benefit.

While video- or web-based conferencing more closely replicates face-to-face participation, what aspect of text-based conferencing can make it an effective support for the development of critical-thinking skills?

Students can think through responses before responding.

Which strategy is likely least effective for determining how effective your lessons are?

Ensuring students complete assignments on time.

Which simple tip might you use to look your best on a webcam during a web conference?

Place your webcam at eye level.

When troubleshooting technology issues, which of the following should you NOT do?

Assume that you know the source of the cause.

What is lecture mode?

A feature during web conferencing that allows muting audio lines during presentations as well as designate individual lines as the primary speaker.

A classroom in which the underlying values of trust, open communication, and risk taking are fostered and practiced is referred to as ________.

both a culture of collaboration and an invitational environment

What would NOT be true of culture?

All aspects of culture must be visible and tangible.

When you are troubleshooting technology issues with students, what's the next step after you have applied a solution?

Check the results.

What term is used to describe a teacher who understands and capitalizes on the unique cultural attributes and experiences of students to promote student achievement?

A culturally responsive teacher.

Which of the following is a primary benefit of collaborative tools such as web conferencing?

They connect your students to the larger world.

When the nature of discourse is such that a single speaker dominates while others listen, this is described as ________.


Which of the following is one of the first steps recommended that a teacher could undertake to explore culturally responsive pedagogy?

Conduct an evaluation of your own cultural experiences and that of others.

What is one of the primary differences between a professional learning community (PLC) and a professional learning network (PLN)?

A PLC is strictly focused on helping students in a specific school or program.

Classrooms in which teachers that have established an invitational environment might have tried implemented which of the following characteristic components?

Peer interactions and discussion.

A school-based group of educators who get together to improve their own practice so that the students they work with can succeed is referred to as a ________.

Professional Learning Community

One effect of new technologies becoming prevalent in all areas of our lives is increased _________.


Which of the following would likely NOT be considered a strategy for implementing culturally responsive teaching?

Anchoring your curriculum in the a state-adopted textbook.

Which act is commonly referred to as the TEACH Act?

Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act

Which of the following strategies can a company engage in and still likely state that it is complying with student privacy laws?

It can share information with educational researchers that request it.

What is the name given to part the section of U.S. copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the copyright holder?

Fair use

The use of technologies to harass, defame, or intentionally harm another student or group of students is referred to as _______________.


Which of the following describes a difference between a responsible use policy (RUP) and an acceptable use policy?

A RUP describes the positive benefits of technologies and how students are encouraged to use them.

What may be the best strategy to prevent and negate the effects of cyberbullying?

Educating teachers, students, and parents on appropriate use.

The primary purpose of school technology is to __________.

to support teaching and learning

Creative works or information not "owned" by an individual but considered part of the common culture, are referred to as being in the _____ domain.


A document clearly outlining acceptable behavior for students, faculty, and staff, and including consequences of unacceptable behaviors, is called ________________.

acceptable use policy

Whether evaluating photos or other imagery, books or other texts, maps, videos, songs or sheet music, news stories, or other medias, students can learn to evaluate information by learning to ___________.

observe, reflect, and question

What is the nickname of the rule teachers can use as a guideline when using copyright-protected materials, according to the U.S. Copyright Office (2009)?

The 10% percent rule

What is a passphrase?

A phrase made up of four random words used instead of a password.

What method is suggested to prevent cheating?

Design assessments that encourage higher-order and critical thinking.

How are the uses of Creative Commons licenses used?

They can allow or limit your use to copy, edit, remix, build upon, or distribute all or parts of their others' work.

Which of the following is NOT considered directory information according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, Pub. L. No. 93-380)?

Names and relationships of family members.

Underlying the concepts of digital literacy and media fluency is helping students develop _____________________ skills so they can continue to be literate in a world that thrives on information and uses a continuing array of new and emerging tools to access it.

information literacy

What strategy might you use to protect against the inappropriate use of other people's work?

Help students understand how to correctly use and cite source material.

When complying with the TEACH Act, which of the following are is NOT an obligations of an institution of learning, not the teachers it employs?

Ensure copyright-protected materials are not transmitted or stored beyond the period of instruction.

What does "the homework gap" refer to?

The gap between students who can engage in learning activities at home versus those who sometimes cannot.

What can you, as a teacher-leader, do, as a teacher-leader, to ensure that the instructional materials used in your school are representative of your student population?

Advocate for a clear policy that ensures that the teams who evaluate and approve instructional materials for your school carefully review them for potential bias.

Which of the following strategy is NOT recommended when integrating technology with very young children (NAEYC & Fred Rogers Center, 2012)?

Prohibit all use of television, videos, DVDs, and other non-interactive technologies and media in early- childhood programs.

If you have become a mentor for other teachers, offering support to teachers them in your building as well as throughout the district and beyond., which stage are you likely in your journey to become a technology integration leader?


Which of the following evaluation methods is identified as the best way to determine which resources will enhances your lessons?

Preview the resource and try it yourself.

Students benefit most and demonstrate the greatest gains in achievement—especially students considered at risk (Darling-Hammond et al., 2014)—when they use technology for which of the following?

Analyzing and evaluating information to produce or create new ideas or products.

When evaluating digital resources, and when asking questions such as, "Does it avoid stereotypes and attitudes related to age?," and " Is it inclusive and appropriate for both female and male students?," and "Does it promote recognition and acceptance of diverse cultures, languages, and religions?," you are likely evaluating what?

Whether the resources are free of bias and stereotypes.

What methods might teachers use to conduct an action research project in their own classroom or school?

Keep a diary, journal, or anecdotal notes that you they or your their students create to record actions, thoughts, and reflections.

While access to computing devices and broadband Internet at home has increased across the population of homes with teens, some demographic populations still lag behind. Which are they?

African American and Hispanic households

Which of the following action steps might you take to build community towards becoming a technology integration leader?

Participate in routine observations of classroom technology-integration practices, by having teachers observe your practice and by observing the practices of others.

If you communicate with more advanced technology users, perhaps asking them to observe your classroom, to obtain mentoring and just-in-time support, which stage are you likely in your journey to become a technology integration leader?


The predominant language on the Internet is ______.


What would is NOT true of qualitative data?

It is analyzed statistically.

According to Dolan (2016), although the digital divide first focused on the disparities between the "haves" and "have-nots," more recent models include the idea of _______.

the "cans" and "cannots"

Over time, the digital divide encompasses has been described as encompassing more than physical access to a device or an Internet connection at school; what are some additional factors now included when discussing the digital divide?

The types of activities students and teachers complete with technology, and their levels of proficiency with new digital media.

From an equity perspective, what are reasons why is it important for households to have broadband Internet access for children in school?

It is becoming more routine for students to access a LMS, cloud storage, and online content.

The term commonly given to the disparity between students and schools who have access to digital tools and resources and those who do not is _______.

digital divide

If you are using the GAME Plan as a framework for action research, which step might you be in if you ask yourself questions, such as "What do I want to know?," and "What is already known about the topic?," and "How will I know if I have been successful?"

Setting Goals

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Consider the following algebraic expression for the z-transform X(z) of a signal x[n]: $$ X(z)=1+z^{-1}/1+1.3z^{-1} $$

Verified answer


Carbon dioxide $(CO_2)$ at $197^\circ C,$ 2 bar enters a chamber at steady state with a molar flow rate of 2 kmol/s and mixes with nitrogen $(N_2)$ entering at $27^\circ C,$ 2 bar with a molar flow rate of 1 kmol/s. Heat transfer from the mixing chamber occurs at an average surface temperature of $127^\circ C.$ A single stream exits the mixing chamber at $127^\circ C,$ 2 bar and passes through a duct, where it cools at constant pressure to $42^\circ C$ through heat transfer with the surroundings at $27^\circ C.$ Kinetic and potential energy effects can be ignored. Determine the rates of heat transfer and exergy destruction, each in kW, for control volumes enclosing a. the mixing chamber only. b. the mixing chamber and enough of the nearby surroundings that heat transfer occurs at $27^\circ C.$ c. the duct and enough of the nearby surroundings that heat transfer occurs at $27^\circ C.$ Let $T_{0}=27^{\circ} \mathrm{C}.$

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A spring is stretched 175 mm by an 8-kg block. If the block is displaced 100 mm downward from its equilibrium position and given a downward velocity of 1.50 m/s, determine the differential equation which describes the motion. Assume that positive displacement is downward. Also, determine the position of the block when t = 0.22 s.

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A dc voltmeter with a sensitivity of 20 kΩ/V is used to find the Thevenin equivalent of a linear network. Readings on two scales are as follows: (a) 0–10 V scale: 4 V, (b) 0–50 V scale: 5 V. Obtain the Thevenin voltage and the Thevenin resistance of the network.

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Can technology be used to personalize learning how?

Technology has been playing a key role in addressing learner variability and facilitating the advancement of personalized learning. Students can adapt learning materials with ease, using digital tools to help them process information, and demonstrate their understanding in their preferred way.

What is the role of educational technology in personalized learning?

Technology has the potential to enhance teaching and learning in a variety of ways, such as by providing innovative instructional materials and assessments, as well as tools to help enable educators to provide more personalized learning for their students.

How would you implement personalized learning in the classroom?

What Personalized Learning Might Look Like In Your Classroom.
Offer students more chances to make choices. When students choose topics or products, you allow them to apply their strengths and interests to their classwork. ... .
Show students their data. ... .
Reconsider classroom layout. ... .
Take time to learn about student interests..

How can learners benefit most in the use of technology quizlet?

The student is actively making choices about how to generate, obtain, manipulate, or display information. Technology use allows many more students to be actively thinking about information, making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led lessons.


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