How did the Spanish-American War help create support for building the Panama Canal Quizlet

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Spanish American War, US Expansionism 1853-1920

Terms in this set (111)


Staying out of world affairs or when one country secludes itself from others.


(The U.S.) was producing so many goods that it must look overseas for other markets.


Stronger nations (U.S.) dominate weaker nations economically (money), politically (government), culturally (beliefs and customs), and militarily (protection/defense).


Pride and devotion to ones country. U.S. becomes a world power.

Who was Fredrick Jackson Turner

He worte a Thesis in 1893 , that stated the Western Frontier had defined American History. He credited the western expansion for building indivdualism and democratic values in US citizens.

Why did Roosevelt want to expand our reach to other countries and continents?

He wanted to increase trade and sell our goods all over the world. He also saw European countrys taking over week countries for their natural resources.


Spread Christianity and the American way of life (medicine, hygiene, law abiding citizens).


To join a new territory with existing land. (U.S.)

Seward's Folly

Americans joked that Alaska was "walrus covered iceberg", barren and worthless because you could not farm on it. Seward purchases it for 7.2 million dollars. Later discovered that Alaska has oil and gold.

Commodore Matthew Perry

Convinced Japan to open trade with the U.S. By 1860, trade was opened with China.


Was annexed in 1867, used for refueling and protection of the west coast. Located half way across the Pacific.


American owned land with sugar cane and pineapple plantations. Sold sugar duty/tax free to the U.S. and leased Pearl Harbor (naval base) to the U.S. Under President McKinley, Hawaii was annexed.

Queen Liliuokalani

Gains control of the island, Hawaii, and opposed U.S. control of islands. Was overthrown by the help of the U.S. Marines.

Pearl Harbor

Leased by U.S. as a fueling and repair station. Naval Base.

Who did the Cuban People rebell against in 1868.

Spain. The spanish ruled cuba.

Valeriano Weyler

Was Spain's best general to put down the rebellion. Instituted a policy of reconcentration because he wanted to prevent the civilians from aiding the rebels. He took women, children, and the elderly as prisoners with little food and sanitation.

Yellow Journalism

News Papers New York World and New York Morning Journal report exaggerated and sometimes false stories about the events in Cuba in order to increase circulation.

President McKinley

President during Spanish American War.

U.S.S. Maine

Battleship moved into Havana's harbor to protect American citizens and property.

deLome Letter

The letter stolen from the Spanish Ambassador to Washington. The letter described McKinley as "weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd".

George Dewey

Admiral who led attack on Spanish ships in the Philippines.

Rough Riders

The group that received the most publicity, was the first volunteered cavalry that included cowboys, miners, policemen, and college athletes. Led by Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt

Was vice-president for McKinley until McKinley was assassinated and he assumed presidency. Was often remembered for expanding presidential power.

Treaty of Paris

U.S. signed this with Spain in December, 1898. Spain recognized Cuba for independence, America gave them money.

Dates of war

April 11, 1898- February 1899


Gained independence in 1946 also U.S. now owns this. Gained good structured government.


Gained independence in 1934. Benefited from U.S. involvement by gaining education.

Puerto Rico

Got more freedom, citizen government, could elect their local legislatures. DID NOT gain independence but did gain citizenship in 1917.


Gained protection from U.S. Also U.S. gained the harbor at Pago Pago for naval bases.


U.S. was interested with it's vast markets to trade with. The U.S. would have equal access to China's millions of consumers. Chinese would get money.

Open Door Policy

Policy giving the U.S. equal access to trading rights in China.

Walter Reed

Led a commission in the military government of the Army Medical corps that discovered a cure for the deadly disease of yellow fever and malaria.

Emilio Aguinaldo

A Filipino rebel who fought the U.S. for independence until 1901.

Boxer Rebellion

A secret society that didn't like foreign influence, killed Christian Chinese (300).

Spheres of Influence

Areas of economic or political control in China.

Panama Canal

50 miles long, 3 sets of locks, takes about 8-10 hours for ship to pass through, 40 ships pass through each day. U.S. is the number one user of the Panama Canal.


Motives that pull ships into the locks.

S.S. Ancon

The first official ship to pass through the Panama Canal.

Hay-Herra Treaty

U.S. could govern Panama if they paid Columbia 10 million dollars. Columbia wants more money and backs out.

Bunau-Varilla Treaty

Panama negotiates with Hay and the U.S. and the U.S. gets the canal rights.

What is the function of the Locks built on the Panama Canal?

Engineering system to raise/lower ships.

Monroe Doctrine

Stated that the US had the right to prevent European colonies or influence in America.

How did Theodore R. use the Monroe Doctrine during in 1904

When Euorpean nations threaten war against the Dominican Rep. He created the Collolary to the Doctrine - it stated US had the right to defend any of its neighbors in the Western Hemisphere.

What is a Collolary?

Collolary is a logical extension of a doctrine. If the Monroe Doctrine states we can protect our own country and we are the leader of the West Hemisphere than we should be able to proctect our neighbors also.

What did Roosevelt do to stop the Europeans from invading the Dominican Republic?

He sent in US Marines and took over all finances of the Dominican Rep. The Europeans did not want to fight against us, we where to strong for them.

Roosevelts apporach to diplomacy was called what?

Big Stick Diplomacy

What is meant by"Big Stick Diplomacy"?

speak softly and carry a big stick. In other words as long as everyone knows you are the biggest, badest, toughest, you don't need to yell to get things done. They know you can wipe them out if they don't do it.

President William Taft, did not use Big Stick Diplomacy, what approach did he use?

Dollar Diplomacy- a policy based on the idea that economic ties were the best way to expand American influence.

when was the the Monroe Doctrine enacted


When was the Roosevelt Corollary enacted


When did Roosevelt start using Big Stick Diplomacy?


When did Taft start using Dollar Diplomacy?


How did Dollar Diplomacy work?

It allowed us to protect any financial intrest we had in any country. If something happend we could send it the military to deal with it.

Did Latin American countrys like Dollar Diplomacy ?

No , it allowed us to occupy their countrys whenever we felt our financial intrest where at risk. They started to hate us for butting in to their affairs.

President Woodrow Wilson was elected in what year?


What type of Diplomacy did Wilson use?

He thought the US should "support and grow democracy" all over the world.

Wilson tried to use "support and grow democarcy" diplomacy early on in his administration with what country?


Why did Wilson get the US involved in the Mexican Revolution?

When US sailors went ashore in Tampico MX, to visit and where arrested my Mexican Police. Wilson sent in the Navy to the Port of Veracruz. They fought and killed 100 Mexicans.

Wilson hoped the Mexican Revolution would lead to what type of government in Mexico?


Wilson was drawn into Mexico again when Franciso Villa ( Puncho) did what?

Puncho Villa raided New Mexico and killed 18 Americans.- Wilson sent troops into Mexico to get him.

How long did it take to build the Panama Canal?

10 years

How long was the Panama Canal

50 miles

How much did the Panama Canal cost to build?

$387 million

How many locks did the Panama Canal have

12 locks - (6 pairs of locks)

How many local people worked on the Panama Canal

about 20,000

How many people died building the Panama Canal

about 6,000

What did most of the Panama Canal workers die from

tropical diseases - Yellow Fever and Malaria and hard work

Who was William C. Gorgas?

An American expert on tropical dieases. He came to Panama to try solve the dieases problem.

What did William Gorgas find out from a Cuban Doctor ( Carlos Finlay)

That Yellow Fever was caused by certian types of mosquitos. The mosquitos would transmitte the dieases when they bit you.

Dr. Rose ( English doctor) soon discovred that Malira was also caused by what?

A certian type of mosquito.

After William Gorgas understood what caused the tropical dieases, what did he do?

He had the workers clear all the trees and brush from the area and drained all the swamps. This was the area most the mosquitos lived in.

What happened after the swamps where drained and the brush was cleared away?

The tropical dieases where almost completely wiped out. The workers could continue to work without getting sick.

What where the three main task that had to be done to complete the Panama Canal?

1- Dig through the mountian,2- Dam a river, 3- Build 12 giant canal locks

What was the most difficult of the three task?

Digging a 9mile ditch through the Mountain. The ditch was called the Gaillard Cut.

What was the 9 mile ditch dug by the workers called ?

The Gaillard Cut.

What mountian did the workers have to dig through to build the canal?

The Cordillera Mountians

How many months ahead of schedule did the workers finish the building of the Canal?

6 months- It opened on August 15th 1914

when did the Panama Canal opent?

August 15th, 1914

What is the Isthmus of Panama?

The isthmus was the small narrow stip of land joining to larger areas of land. Its the location where the canal was built.

How much did we pay Colombia for the Canal?

$10 million upfront cash and $250,000 every month forever.

Did the Colombian government take our offer.

no they held out for more money. They stop the project from happening

What did Roosevelt do when they refused the offer?

He worked with the Panamanian people to help them over through the government. He did this in secreat.

Roosevelt promised the Panamanian people they would get the money for the canal if they did what?

Revolted and through out the current government.

Did the Panamanian people revolt against the governement?

yes- in 1903 they fought against the government troops. The US had troops close by to help them. They won.

Did the Panamanian Rebels ( people ) win the battle?

Yes- President Roosevelt quickly recognized them as the Independent Republic of Panama. The government loss and gave the power to the people.

Three days later the US had what?

A signed agreement with the Panamanian people givng the US rights to build and control the Panama Canal forever.

How much did Roosevelt pay the Panamanian people for the Canal?

10 million dollars and $250,000 a month forever

in 1897 Josiah Strong worte a paper on ?


What two good ideas did Josiah Strong say mankind had in his paper?

Christianity and Civil Liberty

Did Josiah believe the Anglo Saxon ( white) race was better than all others?


Did Josiah think imperialism was a good idea or bad idea?

Good idea, he thought it was based on the survival of the fittest. He thought Anglo's where clearly the fittest.

How did Josiah Storng's thinking represent Social Darwinsim?

It was based on Darwins Theroy - Survival of the fittest.

Who said "North America is to be the great home of Anglo-Saxon power"

Josiah Strong

Josiah thought it will come down to a competition between what?

The races ( red, black,brown,yellow) across the world. He thought Anglo's where the strongest, fittest, smartest, and would win.

Who is Mark Twain

Amrican novelist and writer

Mark Twain wrote about Imperialism in what country.

The Phillippines

How did Mark T. feel about US imperialism in the Phillippines?

He felt we our purpose was wrong. We needed to free the people and help them. Not in slave them and conquer them.

Was Mark Twain a Anti- Imperialist?

Yes- He felt countries should have the right to be free and make their own decisions.

Who said " I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land"

Mark Twain

Mark Twain originally thought Imperialism in the Phillippines would be good. Why?

He thought the US would free the people and help them develop their own democracy and give them freedom to make thier own decisions.

Why did Mark T's attitude change about US being in the Phillippines?

He read the treaty of Pairs , which stated the intent was not to free the people but conquer them.

What was the name of the poem Rudyard Kipling wrote in1899 about the US and Philippine?

White Man's Burden

Was Rudyard Kipling's the poem supporting imperialism?

The poem was for imperialsim

How much did Seward purchase Alaska for

$7.2 million

What did the US discover in Alaska to make Seward look smart in buying it.

Natural resources - Gold and Oil

The cubain rebellion against spanish rule last for how long?

10 years- the spainsh final got them back under control.

The Cubians rebelled again in what year?

1895- Spain responded harshly with Reconcentration.

Spain used a policy called Reconcentration against Cuba for what purpose

To move them into detention camps so they could better control them

What is Reconcentration

The forced movement of large numbers of people into detention camps for military or political reasons.

How many Cubans died while in detention camps run by Spain

Over 200,000 died due to the poor conditions. No food or clean water.

Jose Marti was a Cubian poet who urged to the US to do what?

Hlep the cuban rebells over throw the Spanish rulers of cuba.

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How did the Spanish

The war made certain that a U.S.-built canal would cut through the Isthmus of Panama. The Panama Canal, linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, was completed in 1914.

Why was the Panama Canal important in the Spanish

Americans knew they needed this to move ships from east to west quickly. If they did that, they would control power because they would control the oceans. The Canal was a geopolitical strategy to make the United States the most powerful nation on earth.

What were 2 reasons for the US building of the Panama Canal?

Prevented warfare among competing countries. A canal would save time and money in commercial and military shipping. Roosevelt sent ships to Panama and recognized Panamanian independence from Colombia.

What was the reason for building the Panama Canal quizlet?

The Panama Canal was built to shorten the distance that ships had to travel to pass between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The canal permits shippers of commercial goods, ranging from automobiles to grain, to save time and money by transporting cargo more quickly.


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