How did the ratification of the nineteenth amendment show the democratizing nature of progressivism?

  • School Ransom Everglades School
  • Course Title HISTORY MISC
  • Pages 1

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4. How did the ratification of the 18th and 19th Amendments show the restrictive anddemocratizing nature of Progressivism?

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5. Why did Progressives see in the expansion of governmental powers in wartime anopportunity to reform American society?

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Democracy, Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

What were the assumptions underlying the Roosevelt Corollary How did the doctrine affect our relations with European nations and those in the Western Hemisphere?

What were the assumptions underlying the Roosevelt corollary? US changed from just intervening when necessary in the Western Hemisphere to allowing international police power; US has right to exercise military force when deemed necessary.

How did the progressives see the expansion of governmental powers in wartime as an opportunity to reform American society?

The Progressives saw the expansion of governmental powers an opportunity to reform American society because many agencies were able to take control and unite for the war effort. It brought about a New Nationalism that Roosevelt and the Progressives were hoping for.

In what ways did the progressive presidents promote the expansion of American power overseas?

In what ways did the Progressive presidents promote the expansion of American power overseas? The Progressive presidents of the United States were not reluctant to project American power outside the country's borders, established foreign policies, and dispatched U.S. marines to create a welcoming economic environment.

How did World War 1 and its aftermath provide African Americans with opportunities quizlet?

Radical immigrants were deported and others were arrested. Workers strikes were seen as communists or disloyal. How did WWI and its aftermath provide African Americans with opportunities? Many African Americans migrated North from the South to go to industrial cities to find work and higher wages.


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