Git the term git is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet visual studio code

Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system. It is designed to manage every type of project even a small or a large project with good speed and efficiency. It is more focused on distributed development of software so that more developers can have the access to the source code and can modify the application.

Features of Git:

  • Performance: Git supports rapid branching and merging, and includes specific tools for visualizing and navigating a non-linear development history in the most optimized way possible.
  • Efficiency:It is efficient in handling large projects and is very fast and scalable compared to other version control systems.
  • Data Assurance: It provides good data assurance. The history is stored in such a manner that the ID of a particular version depends upon the complete development history. 
  • Automatic Garbage Collection: It provides an automatic garbage collection that performs when enough loose object has been created in the repository,

In this article, we will see how to install Git in Visual studio code.

 Installing Git in Visual Studio

Step 1: Download and install Visual Studio Code in your system using the official website. 

Step 2: Download and install git in your system using the official website. 

Step 2: After Installing, you can check if it is installed properly or not by typing the following command in the Command Prompt:

git –version

Step 3: Now create an account on GitHub.

Step 4: Configure your Git account with your GitHub. To do this Open Command Prompt and Type:

git config –global “YourUserNameOnGithub”

git config –global “YourEmail”

Here, replace YourUserNameOnGithub with your GitHub-username, and YourEmail with the email-id used while creating an account on GitHub.

Step 5: After configuring your details, you can check by using the command, your GitHub username and email will be displayed, this will make sure that your Git is linked with your GitHub:

git config –global –list

Enable Git in Visual Studio Code:

Step 6: Open Visual Studio Code

Step 7: Go to Settings in Visual Studio Code.

Step 8: Now go to the Search Bar and type – “Git: Enabled”.

Step 9:  Now tick the CheckBox to Enable Git.

Now Git is Finally installed in your Visual Studio Code. You can view all Git changes in your Source Control Tab as shown in the below image:

I'm trying to upload my react app to my anycodings_git github, but VS code won't recognize Git anycodings_git command.

I have Git on PC. Path to git is correct, I anycodings_git checked multiple times. I have installed gh anycodings_git pages through vs code terminal. I have also anycodings_git added required changes to package.json. Now anycodings_git when I run git init in vs code terminal it anycodings_git throws an error that "git" is not a anycodings_git recognized command. Why is that happening anycodings_git and can someone help please.

This is the git path in vs code - anycodings_git "git.path": "C:/Program anycodings_git Files/Git/bin/git.exe" it is correct.

Git Enabled is checked as well.

package.json edits under the first {} anycodings_git "homepage": anycodings_git "//", is anycodings_git added and under scripts added "predeploy": anycodings_git "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d anycodings_git build", .

And when I try to do " git init" or " git anycodings_git remote add origin" I get this message in vs anycodings_git terminal:

git : The term 'git' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + git + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (git:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

How can I fix this?

PS. I have tried all of the "fixes" to this anycodings_git issue I could find. I have also tried anycodings_git changing the path to "git.path": "C:/Program anycodings_git Files/Git/git-bash.exe" which also didn't anycodings_git work.


Answers 1 : of Why is VSCode not recognizing git

From the comment of my previous answer, anycodings_visual-studio-code check first if simply restarting the PC anycodings_visual-studio-code would help.

Powershell might need that to fully anycodings_visual-studio-code recognized Git fir Windows anycodings_visual-studio-code installation. That or re-install Git for anycodings_visual-studio-code Windows again.


2022-08-03T00:57:21+00:00 2022-08-03T00:57:21+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of Why is VSCode not recognizing git

Firstly download and install the latest anycodings_visual-studio-code git from the link below:


Then you have to add environment anycodings_visual-studio-code variables. Go to System Environment anycodings_visual-studio-code Variables and add the following:

C:\Program Files\Git\bin C:\Program Files\Git\cmd

Click OK and close your terminal. Now anycodings_visual-studio-code open the terminal again and check the anycodings_visual-studio-code command your are looking for i.e. git anycodings_visual-studio-code --version(It gives you version have anycodings_visual-studio-code installed). Hope this works for you.


2022-08-03T00:57:21+00:00 2022-08-03T00:57:21+00:00Answer Link


How do I get the VS Code to recognize Git?

Step 1: Go to the Settings in vscode. Step 2: Open settings. json. Step 4: just add the directory path where git is installed in your system.

How do I install Git on VS Code?

Installing Git in Visual Studio.
Step 1: Download and install Visual Studio Code in your system using the official website..
Step 2: Download and install git in your system using the official website..
Step 7: Go to Settings in Visual Studio Code..
Step 8: Now go to the Search Bar and type – “Git: Enabled”..

How do I fix Git not recognized?

Fix 1: Restart Command Prompt Step 2: Press Win + S to open the Windows Search utility. Step 3: Search for Command Prompt and right-click it. Then select Run as administrator. Then you can try running a git command again and check if the error disappears.

How do I run a Git command in Visual Studio Code?

You can also run the Git: Initialize Repository and Publish to GitHub commands from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P). Running Initialize Repository will create the necessary Git repository metadata files and show your workspace files as untracked changes ready to be staged.


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