Explain the historical circumstances that led to the historical development in the document

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Terms in this set (14)

Historical Context

Background of an event...Refers to the historical circumstances that led to this event/idea/historical development.


Determined based on how useful the information is for a specific purpose...

Geographic Context

Refers to where this historical development/event is taking place, and why it is taking place there...could it have taken place anyplace else?

Turning Point

Major Change...an idea or historical event that brings about significant change. It can be local, regional, national, or global.


Reason why something happens...contributes to the occurrence of an event, rise of an idea, or the bringing about of a development.


Result of something...a consequence (result, impact, outcome) of an event, an idea, or a development.

Point of View (POV)

Someone's role in a situation. Can you identify WHO the author is, and explain HOW this might have impacted what they wrote?


PIE- persuade, inform, entertain
WHY or FOR WHAT REASON was the source produced at the time it was produced? What was the author's GOAL?

Historical Development

An event that occurred...the document describes an event and you usually need to explain why by giving the historical context (background)

Historical Circumstances

Includes all of the events that surround a specific incident in time. What happened around the time of this event/what led up to it.


when two things/people have something in common


traits that are not the same when comparing two things


Find; point out


Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

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