During which trimester Would it be normal to experience Braxton Hicks contractions and lightening?

Week 34 – your 3rd trimester

You will have a week 34 antenatal appointment this week.

Remember to:

  • keep eating healthily
  • take gentle exercise
  • rest often

What’s happening in my body?

Perhaps it feels as though some of your pregnancy symptoms have vanished. This can happen when your baby moves head down into the pelvis, in a staged process called "engagement".

This drop down is called "lightening". It frees up space in your abdomen, and gives your lungs a bit of a break, so if you've been feeling breathless, that should ease up. It also reduces the pressure on your stomach, so symptoms such as heartburn could disappear as well.

This shift may feel like a relief, but it does not mean you're about to give birth, as you'll probably have to wait several more weeks for that to happen.

You may also find that you now need to pee more, and walking could be more of a struggle.

When to take maternity leave

You could be finding work difficult right now, especially if you travel to work on public transport, or have a job that involves standing up.

You've probably already chosen a date for your maternity leave to start. The earliest that you can usually start your leave is 11 weeks before the expected week of the birth.

However, if your baby comes early, then your leave will start the day after the birth. If you are off work with a pregnancy-related illness in the 4 weeks before your due date, it will start from then.

Some people find it suits them to keep working right up until the birth. If you think that suits you too, then do what feels right for you. Speak to your midwife or doctor if you'd like advice about when to stop working.

If you want to change the date when you start your leave, then you will need to give your employer at least 28 days' notice, or let them know why this is not possible.

Check if you can get Maternity Leave or Pay, or Maternity Allowance.

Baby sling safety

Many parents use a sling or baby carrier instead of a pram to keep their baby close to them. If you decide to use a sling, make sure you know how to use it safely, as a small number of deaths from suffocation have been linked to slings.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) advises the safest slings are the ones that hold your baby solidly against your body, in an upright position. Make sure you can see your baby, that their face is not restricted, and their airways are always clear.

The T.I.C.K.S rule to keep your baby safe when wearing a sling or carrier is:

T – Tight

I – In view at all times

C – Close enough to kiss

K – Keep chin off the chest

S – Supported back

Read more about sling safety and the T.I.C.K.S rule on the RoSPA website.

3rd trimester pregnancy symptoms (at 34 weeks)

Your breasts could feel huge and they may be leaking small amounts of yellowish colostrum. This is an early milk that's rich in antibodies and will help to protect your baby from diseases if you choose to breastfeed.

If your breasts are sore, then it may help to wear a light bra at night and a more supportive bra during the day.

You should sleep on your side. Evidence shows that it's best for the baby, as it helps the blood flow to the placenta. You're also less likely to get backache.

Your signs of pregnancy could also include:

  • painless contractions around your bump, known as Braxton Hicks contractions
  • sleeping problems (week 19 has information about feeling tired)
  • stretch marks (read about stretch marks on week 17's page)
  • swollen and bleeding gums (week 13 has information about gum health during pregnancy)
  • pains on the side of your baby bump, caused by your expanding womb ("round ligament pains")
  • piles (read about piles on week 22's page)
  • headaches
  • backache
  • indigestion and heartburn (week 25 talks about digestive problems)
  • bloating and constipation (read about bloating on week 16's page)
  • leg cramps (week 20 explains how to deal with cramp)
  • feeling hot
  • dizziness
  • swollen hands and feet
  • urine infections
  • vaginal infections (see week 15 for vaginal health)
  • darkened skin on your face or brown patches – this is known as chloasma or the "mask of pregnancy"
  • greasier, spotty skin
  • thicker and shinier hair

You may also experience symptoms from earlier weeks, such as:

  • mood swings (week 8's page has information on mood swings)
  • morning sickness (read about dealing with morning sickness on week 6's page)
  • weird pregnancy cravings (read about pregnancy cravings on week 5's page)
  • a heightened sense of smell
  • sore or leaky breasts (read about breast pain on week 14's page)
  • a white milky pregnancy discharge from your vagina and light spotting (seek medical advice for any bleeding)

Read Tommy's guide to common pregnancy symptoms.

What trimester do you feel Braxton Hicks contractions?

Most women become aware of Braxton Hicks contractions in the third trimester, and some women are aware of them as early as the second trimester. Sometimes Braxton Hick contractions occurring near the end of the third trimester of pregnancy are mistaken as the onset of true labor.

When do Braxton Hicks start in third trimester?

When do Braxton Hicks contractions start? Braxton Hicks contractions can begin any time after week 20 of pregnancy in the second trimester, though they're more noticeable in later months, in the third trimester. They'll increase starting around week 32 all the way until real labor starts.

Is 20 weeks too early for Braxton Hicks?

Braxton Hicks contractions usually start making an appearance toward the middle of pregnancy, somewhere around 20 weeks. These contractions are felt earlier and more intensely if this is a second or subsequent pregnancy. You'll notice the muscle of your uterus is tightening for anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds.

What causes contractions in second trimester?

Sex, intense exercise, dehydration, a full bladder, or even someone touching your baby bump can trigger Braxton-Hicks contractions. You can use these contractions to practice your breathing techniques for labor.


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