AWS_PROFILE is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

How to manage AWS credentials when running Docker container with Visual Studio 2017

Questions : How to manage AWS credentials when running Docker container with Visual Studio 2017

2022-08-02T00:32:25+00:00 2022-08-02T00:32:25+00:00


I have a .NET Core 2.0 console application anycodings_visual-studio-2017 developed using Visual Studio 2017. The anycodings_visual-studio-2017 launchSettings.json file sets an environment anycodings_visual-studio-2017 variable that allows it to use the anycodings_visual-studio-2017 developer's default AWS credentials

"environmentVariables": { "AWS_PROFILE": "default" ... }

I have now added Docker support to the VS anycodings_visual-studio-2017 solution, and am trying to run the anycodings_visual-studio-2017 application in a Linux Docker container. Of anycodings_visual-studio-2017 course it fails with the following anycodings_visual-studio-2017 exception, as it is unable to find the anycodings_visual-studio-2017 profile:

Amazon.Runtime.AmazonClientException: Unable to find the 'default' profile in CredentialProfileStoreChain.

What is the best way to pass AWS credentials anycodings_visual-studio-2017 to the Docker container in a development anycodings_visual-studio-2017 environment? I obviously don't want to put anycodings_visual-studio-2017 my credentials as environment variables in anycodings_visual-studio-2017 launchSettings.json as this file is anycodings_visual-studio-2017 committed to source control.


Just to be clear, I am looking for a anycodings_visual-studio-2017 solution that allows my Docker container to anycodings_visual-studio-2017 access the developer's credentials when anycodings_visual-studio-2017 debugging in Visual Studio 2017 on the anycodings_visual-studio-2017 developer's machine. Release builds will be anycodings_visual-studio-2017 deployed to AWS and an IAM role will anycodings_visual-studio-2017 preclude the need for credentials. The anycodings_visual-studio-2017 credentials are in the file anycodings_visual-studio-2017 %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials and I'm anycodings_visual-studio-2017 looking for a solution that will enable me anycodings_visual-studio-2017 to use them from within the Docker container anycodings_visual-studio-2017 without exposing them elsewhere: hence I anycodings_visual-studio-2017 don't want to put them in anycodings_visual-studio-2017 launchSettings.json or any other file that anycodings_visual-studio-2017 launches the Docker container.

A solution I envisage could involve mounting anycodings_visual-studio-2017 the Windows drive in the Docker container anycodings_visual-studio-2017 (or at least the anycodings_visual-studio-2017 directory %USERPROFILE%\.aws\) then setting anycodings_visual-studio-2017 an environment variable anycodings_visual-studio-2017 (AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE ?) in the anycodings_visual-studio-2017 Docker container so that AWS automagically anycodings_visual-studio-2017 finds the credentials file.

I've no idea how to do this though, as I'm anycodings_visual-studio-2017 very new to Docker.

Total Answers 2


Answers 1 : of How to manage AWS credentials when running Docker container with Visual Studio 2017

The solution I went for was to edit the anycodings_docker docker-compose.override.yml file that anycodings_docker was added by Visual Studio Tools for anycodings_docker Docker, and add the following lines:

version: '3' services: mydockerapp: volumes: - ${USERPROFILE}/.aws:/root/.aws environment: - AWS_REGION=(your region) - AWS_PROFILE=default

This mounts the .aws directory anycodings_docker containing AWS credentials in the anycodings_docker appropriate place in the Docker anycodings_docker container (/root is the default HOME anycodings_docker directory), and sets environment anycodings_docker variables to select the profile and anycodings_docker region. The launchSettings.json file in anycodings_docker the .NET Core project is not used when anycodings_docker running in Docker.


2022-08-02T00:32:25+00:00 2022-08-02T00:32:25+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of How to manage AWS credentials when running Docker container with Visual Studio 2017

Thanks for Joe's answer, as /root was anycodings_docker key for me. This is what my anycodings_docker docker-compose.yml looks like for a anycodings_docker Java/Maven/Mac OSX environment:

volumes: # Map in the aws directory - ~/.aws:/root/.aws:ro

:RO makes it read-only of course. It anycodings_docker was unnecessary for me to explicitly anycodings_docker define Region and Profile.


2022-08-02T00:32:25+00:00 2022-08-02T00:32:25+00:00Answer Link


What is Aws_profile?

AWS_PROFILE. Specifies the name of the AWS CLI profile with the credentials and options to use. This can be the name of a profile stored in a credentials or config file, or the value default to use the default profile.

How do you check AWS CLI is installed or not?

By default, the AWS CLI version 1 installs to C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI (64-bit version) or C:\Program Files (x86)\Amazon\AWSCLI (32-bit version). To confirm the installation, use the aws --version command at a command prompt (open the Start menu and search for cmd to start a command prompt).

Is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file aws?

'aws' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. This issue occurs when the path of the CLI installed path is not given along with aws command. 1) For Solution, enter CR with a Workaround if a direct Solution is not available.

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