Aws-azure-login is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

How to Login to AWS using CLI with AzureSSO through Azure Active Directory

Testing on Windows 10 Release 1909 

Prerequisite (Install Visual Studio Code and the AWS CLI if you don't have it already installed and your Azure Active Directory is already configured and processing authentication)

1. Install Node.Js


(Use the LTS Edition/Version)

2. Check the node version in PowerShell or Windows Terminal:

node --version && npm --version

3. npm install -g aws-azure-login

*install will take about 15-20 minutes. Be patient and let it finish. 

4. Configure your profile

aws-azure-login --configure --profile=<<Name of your profile>>


aws-azure-login --configure --profile=migrationking

Pro Tip: It installs the profile on your machine under ~/.aws/config . You can edit the file with Visual Studio Code or Notepad++

#This will prompt to Enter the Azure AD details

*** Azure Tenant ID: << Enter the Azure AD Tenant ID from the Azure AD application configuration for the AWS Account to be accessed>> Azure Tenant ID URL: //

*** Azure App ID URI:  << Replace this with Azure App ID identifier from App Config>> Find it via the direct url: //

*** Default Username: << Replace this with your complete Azure AD Email Address FQDN (e.g. >>

*** Stay logged in: skip authentication while refreshing aws credentials (true|false) (false) << Type in false>>

*** Default Role ARN (if multiple): <<Hit Return Key, the CLI will fetch the list of role ARN's when trying to login post configuration>>.

*** Default Session Duration Hours (up to 12): (1)

Profile saved.

If your using GovCloud make sure that you identify the region inside of your ~/.aws/config file



cat ~/.aws/config

[profile migrationking]








5. If you want to login without a GUI prompt type

aws-azure-login --profile migrationking --no-sandbox --no-prompt

6. If you want to see the gui or your chasing errors

aws-azure-login --profile migrationking --no-sandbox --no-prompt --mode=gui

Reference: //

Correction Example: //

First Confirm the Powershell version


Install the AWS Tools Common Module

Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.Common

Install the AWS Tools for Powershell

Install the aws azure login tool

npm install -g aws-azure-login — unsafe-perm

Go to

// and download AWS Tools for Windows Installers

Once this is completed, run the following command. ( Node >7.6 is required for this and NPM has to be installed)

npm install -g aws-azure-login

Verify that NPM is in the Path


If not, set npm in the Path.

Next set up your profile to connect to AWS,

You have to run the command,

aws-azure-login — configure — profile aws-atpco

with the following parameters,( this will be given to to you by your Azure Federation Administrators

Azure Tenant id: ####
Azure App ID URI: // (Depends on how it is configured)
Username: your AD email id
Keep all the default values for the rest..

You should now be able to login with the following command. Upon logging in, you should see a list of roles that you have been granted. Choose any of the role to continue.

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