All the following were difficulties the confederacy had in mobilizing for war except ________.

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What problems did the Confederacy experience?

Poverty and poor relief, especially in times of acute food shortages, were major challenges facing Virginia and Confederate authorities during the American Civil War (1861–1865). At first, most Confederates were confident that hunger would not be a problem for their nation.

What problems did each side have as they mobilized to fight the Civil War?

The Union was fighting to end slavery. The south was dealing with a homeland advantage along with great military leaders. The south was just fighting to outwit the North, not destroy them. The Confederate Army was fighting for their way of life and rights.

How did the Confederacy mobilize for war?

They mobilized their populations for war by the Confederacy using habeas corpus and releasing reluctant draftees while the Union levying special taxes on southern supporters, suspending habeas corpus and imprisoning southern sympathizers without trials.

What were some of the challenges the South faced in the Civil War quizlet?

Name the 3 major problems the South faced at the end of the Civil War. Their land was ruined; No law or authority; Loss of enslaved workers. How did Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction compare to Johnson's plan? Johnson's plan stated that pardon's would be issued to those with a loyalty oath, and Lincoln did the same.


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